

The letters to the churches we find in Revelation chapters 2 and 3 are in the context of the church facing tribulations in the world.

BIBLE SELECTION/Galatians 5:22-23

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.


Sgt. Willard B. Green has recently been promoted to his present rank from that of a corporal.

THOMAS/The smell of mendacity

Court decisions can sound complicated because they sometimes contain legal language that is difficult for a layperson to understand. That’s not the situation in the case of Fulton County, Georgia’s District Attorney Fani Willis and special prosecutor Nathan Wade.


James R. Yates, who recently received an honorable medical discharge from the U.S. Army after more than a year's service, has joined the mechanical force of the Neshoba Democrat.

THOMAS/Biden, Congress need an intervention

When some people appear beyond help because of addiction or other circumstances they can’t control, family members have been known to stage an intervention. Congress and President Biden need an intervention as their addiction to spending exceeds anything seen in history.

GETTING THE EMSSAGE/Soldiers of Christ arise!

In Isaiah chapter 1, the Lord laments that his people do not know him and seek him: “The ox knows its owner, and the donkey its master’s crib, but Israel does not know, my people do not understand.” 


Francis Lundy, a Navy V-12 Trainee at Millsaps College, was elected president of the Millsaps Student Body in a recent election held on the campus. This title is the highest honor that can be bestowed upon a student in this college.

THOMAS/Politicians excel at lying

Politicians aren’t good at much, but they do excel at one thing – lying. They lie about the border. Both parties refuse to acknowledge the danger of a growing and unsustainable debt ( CNBC reports it’s increasing by $1 trillion about every 100 days).


In Revelation 1:10, the apostle John says, “I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day.” In the Spirit means under the influence of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit was in John in a special way; to give him the Lord’s prophetic word, which we have in the book of Revelation.

THOMAS/Trump promises to protect Christians

Speaking to an audience of devoted fans at the National Religious Broadcasters Convention in Nashville last Friday, Donald Trump said if re-elected president he will


Overall plans for the 1944 Red Cross War Fund drive in Neshoba County has been completed, according to Tom DeWeese, drive chairman. Detailed plans will be announced next week, Mr. DeWeese said.

GETTING THE MESSAGE/God’s gracious gift of grace

In Revelation 1:4, we see that the book of Revelation is a letter to seven churches in Asia. Seven is the favorite symbolic number in the book which is full of symbolic language. It signifies the idea of completeness or perfection.


Visions of a new County Court House with ample space for all the needs of the county government and various Federal Government agencies with a modern jail comprising the top story were presented to the members of the Rotary Club Monday by T.A. Webb, chairman of Philadelphia's Post War Planning Committee.

THOMAS/Willis vs. Wade vs. euphemisms

During questioning of Fulton County, Georgia prosecutor Nathan Wade about his “relationship” with District Attorney Fani Willis there was a moment that cut through all the euphemisms we have become accustomed to when it comes to human behavior.

GETTING THE MESSAGE/Christ died for sinners

In Revelation 1:1, we are told that the book of Revelation is “the revelation of Jesus Christ.” God gave him this revelation, so the first thing we learn is that the source of the book is God and that it is primarily about Christ.


Appreciably hindered, no doubt, by the critical condition of many roads in the county, as well as a great deal of illness, Neshoba County lagged to the final moment in reaching its quota in the Fourth War Loan drive but it was reached, thanks to the hard work of members of the drive committee, the County War Finance Director, F. L. Grubbs, and other interested citizens.

THOMAS/The unmaking of a president

Beginning with the election of John F. Kennedy in 1960 and through the re-election of Richard Nixon in 1972, political journalist and biographer Theodore H. White wrote books called “The Making of a President.” Were he alive today he might title one about Joe Biden “The Unmaking of a President.”

GETTING THE MESSAGE/Bringing good out of evil

It is the wisdom of God to bring good out of evil. The ultimate example of that is the Son of God being put to death by men, but God accomplishing the salvation of sinners through it.


For the word of the Lord is upright, and all his work is done in faithfulness. He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the steadfast love of the Lord.

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