Wedding announcement

Wedding Announcement:

There is no charge for engagement announcements and wedding write-ups in the Democrat.

Please submit photos and write-ups a week before desired publication date to or mail to or drop by 439 Beacon ST, Philadelphia, MS 39350.

Every effort will be made to publish on the date requested, but space requirements and time can prohibit.

Weddings should not exceed about 1,200 words. The Democrat will reserve the right to edit articles to fit space requirements and style.

If you need assistance composing your write-up, contact Judy Mason or call 601-656-4000.

If you already have your wedding announcement written, please sent it to

Please enter your wedding announcement below:
* Required Fields

Bride Information

(Please note if one or both parents are deceased or if parents should be listed at separate addresses)

Bridegroom Information

(Please note if one or both parents are deceased or if parents should be listed at separate addresses)

Wedding Information

Wedding Party/Additional Information


Please choose a method to submit your photo:

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Mail photo to:
The Neshoba Democrat
439 E Beacon Street
Philadelphia, MS 39350

Contact Information

 *  *  (A valid e-mail is required.) *

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