TANNEHILL/You name it (July 16, 1964)

TANNEHILL/You name it (July 16, 1964)


July 16, 1964

If an accurate count could be recorded, this writer would say that the number of Mississippians who say they are going to vote for Barry Goldwater would be in the several hundreds. I have yet to find a citizen of Neshoba County who condones the actions of the national Democratic party and Lyndon B. Johnson. There will be a strong organization in this Mississippi county for the Senator, just as there will probably be in all other counties. A meeting Friday night at the courthouse in Philadelphia will give many an opportunity to express themselves on the matter.

Even the New York Herald Tribune quoted President Johnson as saying on last Dec. 1: “You say I am not a liberal. Let me tell you I am more liberal than Eleanor Roosevelt, and I will prove it to you.” He doesn’t have to prove it to us any stronger.

Lyndon Johnson says anybody making less than $3,000 a year should be considered in a poverty state. Senator Strom Thurmond of South Carolina points out that more than a million members of the US armed forces make less than that amount, and that if $3,000 a year is poverty, it seems contradictory that in 1963 the Government collected $3.54 billion, yes, billion, in personal income taxes from the 4.1 millions Americans having income less than $1,500.

Think how much better off this nation would be if the powers that be in Teddy Roosevelt’s time had listened to him and admitted Cuba to statehood.

If Gov. George Wallace of Alabama never does anything else for his state and nation, his withdrawal as a candidate for president has given every freedom-living citizen an opportunity to help defeat Lyndon Johnson next November. Of course, we don’t believe he could be elected, and neither does he, but his withdrawal speaks loud and clear that he wants the ultra-liberals and hypocrites out of Washington.

Yvonne Johnson, who is in Germany with her husband, S/Sgt. Thomas Johnson, has won a top bowling award, teaming with her partner to capture high average for the season with 144 pins. She is the daughter of Mrs. Bessie Moody of Baton Rouge and A.O. Moody of Philadelphia.

Even though some of our state’s politicians may not like the move of Gov. Wallace pulling out of presidential race, it will help the chances considerably of getting the regular electors seated at the Democratic National Convention at Atlantic City in August. The Democratic party will need those people now, since it seems that the minority groups are already sided with LBJ.

If this corner had charge of the delegations from Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Arkansas, North and South Carolina, our strategy would be to sit in the corner and hold our thumbs. It wouldn’t be but a short time until that group would be given more attention than Anthony showed Cleopatra. That could happen if a few of the bull-headed leaders stayed at home and kept their conversations directed at only their wives.
“Why Didn’t Someone Tell Me About All These Uses For Vinegar,” a 28-page booklet issued by The Speas Company, has just been released. It’s filled with valuable suggestions on the uses of vinegar, from removing grease spots, paint spots and odors to uses for cooking. Get your free copy by writing The Speas Company, attention Miss Lorene Freeman, Home Economist, 2400 Nicholson Ave., Kansas City, MO.

Congratulations to Joe Don Yates and Greg Thompson, Philadelphia’s two representatives on the Lions Club All-State Band which participated in the International Convention in Toronto, Canada. Joe Don, son of Mr. and Mrs. Buck Yates, won first chair in baritone, and Greg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Thompson, won first chair in trombone. They are both seniors at PHS and this is their second trip with the band. Joe Don and Greg were most complimentary on the hospitality and welcome given the Mississippi band by the Canadian people and said their several days stay there was most enjoyable.

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