TANNEHILL/You name it (July 16, 1964)

TANNEHILL/You name it (July 16, 1964)


Wonder if President Johnson has ever thought of the advantages of poverty. Can you imagine how much sin there would be in the world if everybody could afford it?
One of the great inventions the telephone companies might look into is the possibility of foam rubber poles. Think of the smash-ups that would prevent.
It is reported that the new wheat program will be financed by a “bread tax”. Which provokes the question: “Can anyone think of a better way to fight poverty than to force an increase in the price of flour and bread?”
One congressman turned up these expenditures in this nation’s foreign aid program: Bubblegum for Turks and royal bee jelly beans that Asiatics fancy as sex rejuvenators.
A government employee here during the search for the three missing “civil rights” workers was given a possible lead to their whereabouts in Meridian. His reply was that it costs a lot of money to run down all those leads. We need more such employees in Washington.
A list of hospital patients in the Democrat last week had Cathy Smith of Mobile, Alabama, listed as Cathy Parker. We’re happy to make the correction.
After looking as several sessions of the Republican National Convention on television, it would seem that some members of the party don’t want to win the presidential election in November. The bitter fight waged by one faction in the form of name-calling, ridiculing and character assassination could very well split the party beyond repair. The Democrats, who meet next month, are probably sitting back and laughing loud and hard at the Republicans hanging out their own dirty linen.
Fair visitors are already making their way to the Fairgrounds for this year’s presentation. Although the “houseparty” doesn’t open officially until Monday, August 10, the feel of sawdust and the quiet atmosphere of pre-fair days have beckoned.
Our uncle in the Cajun country says when he got married he gave his wife a diamond so small it required only one payment.

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