Man busted with child porn

Man busted with child porn


An Alabama man was arrested at one of the casinos here in April on charges of sexual misconduct against a minor in Alabama.

The man, Jonathan Keith Herbert, 57, 1058 Kings Forest Drive in Leeds, Alabama, was arrested and charged with possession of child pornography, domestic violence, and sexual misconduct, according to Neshoba County Sheriff Eric Clark.

 He said all the charges are related to warrants issued in Alabama.

Clark said his office was first notified of Herbert’s presence in the area when his vehicle hit on several automated license plate readers on his way to the Golden Moon Casino on April 12.

Clark said his office was able to work with Choctaw Police and Pearl River Resort security to detain Herbert in the Golden Moon Casino parking lot at about 1:30 a.m.

Herbert was subsequently extradited to Alabama.

Clark said law enforcement seized a phone belonging to Herbert, and a subsequent forensic search of the phone yielded roughly 1,000 pictures considered child pornography.

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