August 6, 1943
The Neshoba County Chapter of the American Red Cross announces that a new shipment of surgical dressing material has arrived. The work of making this material into surgical dressings for use by the armed forces will begin on Tuesday afternoon.
In a modest but positive and convincing matter, Representative Arthur Winstead discussed the problems of Congress, collectively and as they they affect a new member like himself, before the Philadelphia Rotary club at the club's weekly luncheon meet at the Benwalt Hotel.
August 6, 1953
Mr. Bratis Ozborn was the winner of the subscription to the Neshoba Democrat with a 48 hour lead over his next opponents in bringing in the first open cotton boll this season.
Mrs. L. G. Haskins of Rt. 2 was the winner of the Grand Prize at the opening of The Spencer Co. here last week, receiving a Restor Mattress and Box Springs.
August 8, 1963
Odie B Smith of Route Four, Philadelphia, showed the Champion and Grand Champion boar over one year, and also the Champion boar 5-12 months old. Kinsey Smith showed the Champion and Grand Champion sow over one year old and the Champion gilt, 5-12 months old.
A run-off will be necessary in the district attorney's race between Osborn Idom of Scott County and WIlliam Johnson, Jr. of Newton County. Laurel Weir of Neshoba County was third.
August 9, 1973
Modis A. Smiley, 243 Northwest St., has been awarded a bronze medal by the Carnegie Hero Fund Commission "in recognition of the heroic act" of rescuing two persons from a burning automobile on August 12, 1972.
Philadelphia Police Chief Fulton Jackson today announced that a series of 15 burglaries between June 2 and July 31 had been solved with the arrests of six persons.
August 10, 1983
Master Sgt. Walter P. Ferguson, a flight engineer with the 815th Weather Reconnaissance Squadron, 920th Weather Reconnaissance Group, "Storm Trackers" at Keesler Air Force Base, was awarded the First Oak Leaf Cluster to the Air Medal at ceremonies recently at Keesler Air Force Base.
The University Medical Center Candlelighters Inc., today announced plans for a special fund-raising event. Candlelighters is a non-profit organization which provides special assistance to the parents of children who are current or former oncology patients at the University Medical Center in Jackson.
August 11, 1993
Dr. Rhonda Patridge, superintendent of education for the Philadelphia Public School District, is in the process of initiating the state mandated alternative school program into the Philadelphia school system. Alternative schools often suffer from an image problem in other parts of the state and across the country.
August 6, 2003
Stan Webb was named manager of Weyerhaeuser's Philadelphia mill this week, an operation located less than a mile from where he grew up listening to the rumbles and beeps of the plant while lying in bed at night.
Mark Duncan of Philadelphia was the apparent winner in the race for District Attorney of the 8th District, defeating Johnny Pope of Carthage, 13,424 votes to 11,138 in complete but unofficial returns.
August 7, 2013
Neshoba County will provide 911 emergency call and dispatch services to Kemper County when a new $1.6 million Emergency Operations Center opens after the first of the year.