
July 21, 1944

Polio is raging in North Carolina with 224 cases reported up through July 7. Dr. Felix J. Underwood, State Health Officer and Dr. Gray flew to Raleigh, N.C. to attend a conference on July 10th which was called by Mr. Basil O'Connor, president of National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. 


Word has been received by Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Duett that their son, Sgt. Percy W. Duett was wounded while in action somewhere in France. He has been transferred to England where he is being treated. 


July 22, 1954

The 750th Tank Battalion, under the command of Lt. Col. Herman Alford, will move to Camp Shelby, Sunday, July 25th for fifteen days training period.   


Willard Hays was the principal speaker at the Exchange Club Wednesday speaking on behalf of the Neshoba County Fair, which opens August 9 through the 13. It was voted to have an outdoor party next week. 

July 25, 1964

J. E. Hurdle, Chairman of the Education Committee of the Merit Community Program for Philadelphia, has been notified that the qualifications for the Merit Award in Education have been met. Official presentation of the award will be made at an early date. 

July 25, 1974

A rare albino snake found here Sunday by 15 year old Dane Morgan is now on display in the state Natural Science Museum in Jackson. The snake was taken to Jackson Wednesday by Dane and his father, Duaine Morgan at the request of the Game and Fish Commission.


James Pair has been named dean of students at Wood Junior College at Mathison. Pair has been at Wood since 1972 as head of the physical education department, athletic director and basketball coach. 

July 25, 1984

Neshoba County's per capita income increased 2.20 percent during 1982 over the previous year. Figures on the states 82 counties for 1982 were released this week by the Mississippi Research and Development Center.


July 20, 1994  

Last Wednesday night, Chantell Blanche Shumake received one of the biggest surprises of her life. Tears swelled in the big brown eyes of the 16 year old Neshoba Countian when it was announced that she was the 1994 Choctaw Indian Princess. 

      July 28, 2004

A $1 million grant was presented to the Philadelphia Public School District Tuesday to improve the quality of American history instruction through further education of its teachers. 


July 23, 2014

The first surgery was performed Monday in the new $19 million Neshoba County General Hospital, following the transfer of patients from the old facility last week. Hospital Administrator Lonnie Graeber said the transition to the new hospital has gone smoothly. 


All third grade students must read at the basic level by the end of the upcoming school session or face failure under Gov. Phil Bryant's "Education Works" legislation signed into law earlier this year.

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