February 5, 1943
Pvt. Alva Tullos, son of Mrs. Audie Tullos of this country, is with the U.S. Army and stationed in Oregon. He writes his mother that he likes the service fine.
Mr. and Mrs. W.B. McAllister, of Canton, are announcing the birth of a baby girl. She was born January 28 and has been named Linda Ann.
February 5, 1953
East Neshoba Basketball teams were entertained Saturday night, January 31, with a chicken-fish supper in the lunch room. The supper was sponsored and financed by the patrons of the school. It was estimated that two hundred fifty people were present for the occasion. After everyone had eaten to their stomach’s content the crowd assembled in the auditorium for a thrilling western show. Coach Thomas made an inspiring talk as the concluding number on the program.
Pvt. Aubert D. Gray, who is now in his 172nd Infantry in Germany, arrived there last July after completing his training at Camp Rucker, Ala. His Wife, Mrs. Bobbie Kilpatrick Gray, and little four months old son, are residing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.F. Kilpatrick, Union, Rt. Three. Pfc Gray is expecting to return to the States in the very near future.
February 7, 1963
Mayor Ab Davis Harbour of Philadelphia will be master of ceremonies at the formal dedication of the Neshoba County General Hospital at 2pm Sunday.
The family of W.D. Cole has been named the Honor Family of the Year by the Woman’s Club of Philadelphia. This family was selected on the basis of integrity, humility, culture, sincerity, resourcefulness, morality as demonstrated by the lives and activities of Mr. and Mrs. Cole and their children.
February 8, 1973
Members of the Neshoba County Heart Fund Committee have made plans for the fund drive to be conducted during February. Present at the planning session were, seated left to right, Len D. Turner, associate director of the Mississippi Heart Association; Shelton Bounds, county president; Mrs. Dick Molpus; James L. (Pete) Perry Jr., chairman; back row, Max Loper, Bill Dungan, Jimmy Rea and Tom DeWeese.
Brandy White, one year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Buddy White of the Hope Community, celebrated her birthday Jan. 18 in the presence of several friends and relatives. Her grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Pope of the Good Hope community and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson White Sr. of the Hope community.
February 10, 1983
Lee Davison, presented a photography workshop for members and guests of the Philadelphia-Neshoba County Arts Council recently. Davison, a professional photographer from Meridian instructed 18 participants in the finer points of photography in a program made possible through the assistance of the Mississippi Art Commission and the National Endowment for the Arts.
February 10, 1993
Mrs. Nita Hodgins was honored on her retirement with a reception Wednesday at The Citizens Bank. Mrs. Hodgins, a teller, retired with 15 years of service to the bank. At left is her husband, R.B. Hodgins.
February 5, 2003
Flags flew at half-mast at Neshoba County Schools as our country mourned the loss of the Space Shuttle Columbia. The NCMS student council placed a wreath at the flagpole in memory of the astronauts on the Space Shuttle Columbia. “The NCMS Rockets” felt it especially important that we honor those heroes who gave their lives in service to their country,” a spokesperson said.
February 6, 2013
On Jan. 15, Eddie Willis, president of the Community In Action, presented to the Boys and Girls Club of Neshoba County a check in the amount of $700. Receiving the check is Tarsha Love, director of the Boys and Girls Club.