March 10, 1944
James R. Yates, who recently received an honorable medical discharge from the U.S. Army after more than a year's service, has joined the mechanical force of the Neshoba Democrat.
First Lieut. Robert P. Howle, Jr., has been awarded the coveted Army Air Medal for participating in 50 operating flights, according to the Public Relations office of the European Theater of Operations.
March 11, 1954
Good Hope Baptist church Lebrun Hutchinson has distinguished himself upon graduation at State College as being named President's Scholar which carries with it the distinction of being the highest honor that can be given to a graduate.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Luke are happy over the arrival of their first child, a son, who arrived on Monday, March 1st at the Neshoba County hospital. He has been named Robert Eugene.
March 12, 1964
Philadelphia's Frank Hodges and Union's T.L. Gregory have been selected once again as basketball "Coaches of the Year" in the Choctaw Conference, for the 1963-64 season.
A community center in the vicinity of the Pearl River Indian School, costing $113,000 has been approved by the U.S. Interior Department, it was announced this week.
March 14, 1974
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Manning announce the birth of their first child, a son, on March 6 at Southern Baptist Hospital in New Orleans. Cooper Archibald Manning arrived weighing 12 lbs, 3 oz.
President Nixon last Thursday signed into law a bill authorizing the Edinburg dam and lake on the Pearl River in Neshoba County.
March 14, 1984
A teenage dance Saturday night at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall resulted in the arrest of six persons involved in a disturbance.
The Philadelphia High School baseball team braved the cold and rain to score an 11-2 victory over Carthage in the opening game of the Neshoba Central Invitational Baseball Tournament here Monday.
March 9, 1994
An Illinois woman who murdered a Neshoba County truck driver almost nine years ago, has been released from a Texas mental institution.
The Neshoba County board of supervisors appointed Randy Pettis as the new road manager Monday, County Administrator Benjie Coats said.
March 17, 2004
Members of the Choctaw Central girl's basketball team and head coach Walter Wilson celebrate their 72-51 victory over No. 1 ranked Ripley last Friday afternoon at the Mississippi Coliseum in Jackson.
A man arrested in connection with a Friday morning bank robbery was charged this week with robbing a retail satellite TV store at gunpoint March 9.
March 12, 2014
A Leake County grand jury last week found no criminal wrongdoing in the death of a Philadelphia man who drowned in a shallow slough north of Edinburg after fleeing Leake sheriff's deputies in the predawn hours of Jan. 29.
Although a $400,000 loss in Medicaid reimbursements is expected at Neshoba County General Hospital due to the Affordable Care Ace, officials hope to generate additional revenue by providing new services such as sleep study, wound care and pain management to help offset the cuts.