February 25, 1944
Overall plans for the 1944 Red Cross War Fund drive in Neshoba County has been completed, according to Tom DeWeese, drive chairman. Detailed plans will be announced next week, Mr. DeWeese said.
James Nelson Lewis, who has been an employee of The Neshoba Democrat since June 12, 1943, left Wednesday for Jackson where he will undergo examination for enlistment in the U. S. Navy.
February 25, 1954
Philadelphians will be host to 65 band students at the Philadelphia High School here Friday night and Saturday when selected band members from Forest, Newton, Mortan, Union and Decatur High will join with Philadelphia's selected students for a band clinic.
East Neshoba Girls went into the finals of the District IV Tournament held in Kosciusko Tuesday night after defeating Walnut Grove that afternoon by a close margin of 53-50.
February 27, 1964
Bob Parks from the department of Miss. Geological Survey, Thursday visited the site of the well blowing gas at the home of Miss Rosie McNeil in the edge of Kemper county. The gas will not burn, but Mr. Parks said that he was taking samples which would be analyzed.
Jack Ross, student at Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, Georgia has accepted the call of the First Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia to be its next pastor.
February 28, 1974
The Neshoba County Heart Association has set a goal of $3,000 to be used to reduce death and disability from heart attack and other heart and blood vessel disease.
At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Neshoba County Fair Association Tuesday afternoon at city hall, President N. A. Johnson Jr. announced that "considerable improvement" was being made on the fairgrounds.
February 28, 1984
The Neshoba County Board of Supervisors have designated March 3 as the date for distribution of cheese and butter to relief services recipients. The point of distribution will be the Mississippi National Guard Armory on Highway 15 north.
Residents of the Old Legion Lake Road in District One of Neshoba County are perturbed at the condition of a stretch of county road. A flowing stream of water three feet wide cover the road.
February 23, 1994
Esther Watkins, a retired school teacher, has conveyed to the public library the copyright of her history of Neshoba County from its early beginnings until just before the Civil War.
A move is underway to establish a support group in Philadelphia for the families person with Alzheimer's Disease, a brain disorder that strikes almost 10 percent of people over 65 years of age.
February 25, 2004
An hour-long blackout that left much of the city in the dark earlier this month was caused by a defective battery unit in protective equipment at an electrical substation, officials said.
Retailers say there is a danger in roadside vendors who are here one day and gone the next and a group plans to ask city officials what can be done to curtail such activity.
February 26, 2014
Philadelphia Elementary School has been invited to partner with Dr. John Hunt and his staff at Science Fun Day to become a Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) School. Thanks to a $12,300 grant from the Weyerhaueser Foundation, all PES teachers and staff members will receive professional development and materials in preparation for becoming a STEM school starting in August..