Aldermen greenlight 4-way-stop

Aldermen greenlight 4-way-stop


A new four-way stop will be installed at the intersection of Carver Avenue and Adams Street to limit speeding due to the children in the area.

Street Department Superintendent Patrick Gray said the additional two stop signs were installed last week as an alternative to placing speed bumps.

“It’s a 20-mph zone, but some folks are driving 40 to 45 mph or faster. They are flying,” he said. “We are trying the 4-way stop first before we resort to more drastic measures.”

Gray said that after Ward 4 Alderman Shaun Seales brought the speeding issue to his attention, they met on-site to discuss options and decided on the 4-way stop plan.

Due to the dogleg between Carver and Adams, one of the 4-way stop’s outlets leads to the parking lot beside Mt. Nebo Missionary Baptist Church.

“Slow down, folks,” Gray urged. “It’s better to get there late than to not get there at all.”

In other business, aldermen voted to:

• Approve a motion to advertise for bids on the fuel truck for the Airport. The motion was unanimously approved;

• Approve a motion to approve a change order on the fiscal year 2023 Runway Seal Coat Airport Project as presented by Allen Engineering. The motion was approved unanimously;

• Approve a motion to approve registration and travel for the Mayor, Board of Aldermen, City, and Court Clerks to attend MML conference from Jun. 23 -26 in Biloxi. The motion was  approved unanimously;

• Approve a motion to pay Allen Engineering $3,519 for work on the runway and taxiway seal coat project and $493 for work on the lighting improvement project. The motion was  approved unanimously;

• Approve a motion to approve the Weyerhaeuser tax exemption and resolution. The motion was approved unanimously;

• Approve a motion to place a 1/4 page ad in The Fair Times for $830. The motion was approved unanimously;

• Approve a motion to pay Hudson Plumbing $4,050 out of Bond B account for work on the bathrooms at Westside. The motion was approved unanimously;

• Approve a motion to purchase a 24’ x 102” trailer for the Street Department at the lowest quote from B&S Enterprises for $15,500 out of Bond A account, with the seconded quote being Alpha Trailer at $20,058. The motion was approved unanimously;

• Approve a motion to transfer Brad Hancock from the Cemetery Department to the Street Department effective Jul. 1 at the same rate of pay. The motion was approved unanimously;

• Approve a motion to set a hearing date of Jul. 16 for rezoning 219 Wilson St. from R1 to R3. The motion was approved unanimously;

• Approve a motion to hire Jusits Clemons and Roy Graham, part-time, with the Cemetery Department at $10 per hour, pending drug screening. The motion was approved unanimously;

• Approve a motion to name Arthur Breakfield as interim Cemetery Department head at the same rate of pay effective Jul. 1. The motion was approved unanimously; 

• Approve a motion to accept the resignation of Brandon Beckham from the Police Department effective Jun. 20. The motion was approved  unanimously;

• Approve a motion to promote William Anderson to lieutenant at the Police Department at a rate of $21.02 per hour. The motion was approved unanimously;

• Approve a motion to promote Justin Wyatt to corporal at the Police Department at a rate of $19.16 per hour. The motion was approved unanimously;

• Approve a motion to transfer two 2021 Inmar inflatable boats and two 2021 Mercury 30-hp motors to the Gautier Fire Department as an intergovernmental transfer. This equipment was purchased using grant monies from MOHS. The motion was approved unanimously;

• Approve a motion to allow Parker McWhirter to travel to Pelham, Ala., to attend public safety diver certification class from July 19-21 and to pay the cost upon invoice. The motion was approved unanimously.

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