TANNEHILL/You name it (1964)

TANNEHILL/You name it (1964)


July 2, 1964

This editor was interviewed by Time magazine last Saturday and tried to give that national publication a true picture of our way of life and our citizens as a whole. Here’s hopes the printed word comes out the same way it was given, but we never know. If we refuse to give these national publications interviews we are branded as someone who refuses to cooperate and wants to hide something, and when we do express our feelings and thoughts, they seem to be distorted in so many instances. Not giving the full quote can make anyone look ridiculous, and that’s been a neat trick to mislead the readers so many times. Politicians have suffered from that type reporting for years.


We have received copies of many big city dailies from all over the nation and hope to condense their contents in time. But that’ll take some time, something we haven’t had much of lately, and maybe the situation will clear soon.


Bill McNeill, a school teacher from Montreal, Canada, and his friend, another teacher, came through Philadelphia Monday of this week on their way to Mexico. Bill said they changed their route to make it through here, expecting to see a strife-torn town with people in complete turmoil. Instead, he said he never met more friendly and hospitable people anywhere. He said also it was a shame the people above the Mason-Dixon line couldn’t get a true picture of the South. “If I hadn’t made this trip to the South I probably would have continued believing all the bad things printed about you.”

The Bible says in Proverbs 26:17: “He that passeth by a meddled with strife belonging not to him, is like one that taketh a dog by the ears.”


In discussing the Fair this week, we asked Mr. Jim Hillman how many he had missed since it started in 1891. He told us, as a young boy, he missed two or three and one of those was when he as off teaching school at McLaurin in Forest county and he couldn’t get back. That was in 1903 and he hasn’t missed one since.

And “Aunt” Kate made most of them with him until just a year or so ago when her health kept her at home. We know it’s not proper to reveal a lady’s age, but Mr. Jim told us he was 86 and “Aunt” Kate 87.


We have lots of visiting newsmen, Highway Patrol and federal agents in Neshoba County at this time, and we know we’re not a metropolitan center, but we do have traffic laws which most of the citizens observe, but which have been frequently violated by a few of the visitors. We’re all doing our best to make their forced stay here as pleasant as possible, but there have been a few instances when their acts would irk their own mothers. Just because a man has a law officer’s uniform on, doesn’t give him the right to jeopardize the safety of others.


Sitting around waiting for new developments in the case of the “missing” “civil rights” workers makes all the newsmen feel like the fellow at the lecture, numb on one end and dumb on the other.

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