Philadelphia police officers aid in Delta tornado

Philadelphia police officers aid in Delta tornado


Two Philadelphia police officers have been answering calls in Rolling Fork after an EF-4 tornado late last weekend devastated the small Delta town.

“Officers were sent to assist with patrol duties and security as a demand for more law enforcement was needed, among many other things,” said Philadelphia Police Chief Eric Lyons.

“These officers have responded to numerous 911 calls and identified individuals attempting to loot and trespass,” he said. “More assistance is needed in which we plan to send an additional officer and supplies as well.”

Rolling Fork is the county seat of Sharkey County. and is a town of about 1,800 people. The tornado hit on the evening of March 24. Latest estimates say 26 people where killed and and many more displaced.

Lyons said officers Justis Lilley and Justin Wyatt were sent. 

“Other agencies in the state have been rotating covering shifts and answering calls throughout Sharkey County,” Lyons said. “These officers patrolled and responded to 911 calls such as domestic disturbances, trespassing, assaults, and property thefts.”

Wyatt said they were in the area from last Wednesday morning, March 29, to March 31

“It went really well,” he said. “We mostly answered calls. The goal was to help the people who had been hit. There are people there who lost everything.”

Neshoba County Sheriff Eric Clark said he is working closely with the Mississippi Sheriff’s Association to determine any need.

Lyons said he expects to send another group of officers at the end of the week.

PPD is collecting supplies to take to the devastated area when officers return.

“Any supplies or items anyone wants to donate may drop them off at the Police Department front office,” Lyons said. “We will deliver to that area next week.”

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