Neshoba superintendent updates supervisors on schools

Neshoba superintendent updates supervisors on schools


The Neshoba County Board of Supervisors invited Neshoba County School District Superintendent Josh Perkins to their regular meeting to welcome him to Neshoba County and meet the members of the Board. 

The superintendent updated supervisors on the School District including enrollment, attendance, and future plans. 

“For the 2022-23 school year, Neshoba County was rated as the fourth-highest district in the state,”  Perkins said. “This speaks a lot about the staff, the people, the residents, and the pride that they take in the school.”

Additionally, during their regular business, the board approved two school bus turnarounds on County Road 632 with requests for work on those turnarounds.

In other actions, supervisors voted to:

• Approve extending the county-wide burn ban until the next meeting on Nov. 20;

• Approve $0.50 pay increases for officers Gordon Adkins, Trent Rickles, and Gerald Willis for Crisis Intervention Team Training effective Oct. 30;

• Approve the resignation of Julian Willis from the Sheriff’s Department and opposed the hiring of Brandon Rush at $17.75 per hour;

• Accept insurance settlement for a 2021 Ford Explorer SUV. The settlement to the county totals $28,363;

• Approve hiring Danny Flint as Correctional Officer at $13 per hour effective Oct. 18;

• Accept the resignation of telecommunicator Gena Hill effective Nov. 2 and approve hiring Kimberly Allen as telecommunicator at $15.50 per hour effective Nov. 2;

• Approve the reappointment of Danny Sharp to the Linwood Volunteer Fire Department effective Jan. 1.

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