Love Out Loud community event starts June 19

Love Out Loud community event starts June 19


Love Out Loud is what many consider a “mission trip inside Neshoba County,” said David Addy, one of the organizers who hopes the event will present an opportunity for the community to show their love and support for people in need.

“This is our fourth year doing Love Out Loud, and we have around 50 ministry sites this year,” Addy said. “We’re excited for the opportunity to love on people and serve them. That’s what all the ministry sites are about. It’s something we need in the world.” 

Addy, Director of Missions at the Neshoba Baptist Center, said Love Out Loud 2023 begins on June 19 and runs through June 22. 

He said anyone who wants to participate in Love Out Loud should come to the Neshoba Baptist Center, located at 903 Valley View Drive in Philadelphia, and choose a task from the various ministry sites. There is also an online registration. 

Each ministry site ranges from things like helping the elderly, painting a shed for God’s Closet, writing letters to veterans, handing out water to people, setting up lemonade stands, making dolls for Operation Christmas Child, car washes, clothing giveaways, drive-thru prayers, and much more. 

“Everyone will meet at the Baptist Center around 7:45 a.m. each morning,” Addy said. Each person or group will come in, choose a ministry site and what service they will do for that day, eat a light breakfast, take part in a short devotion, and then head out to volunteer at the place of their choosing.

Addy noted that some groups will visit the Neshoba County Boys and Girls Club and set up a program there similar to Vacation Bible School, something many churches do for children to help them learn more about the Bible. 

During the week of Love Out Loud, there will also be a worship service at the Ellis Theatre at 6:30 p.m. on June 21. The guest speaker is Phil Waldrep, and he will be accompanied by music from The Church at the Arc Praise Band. 

“We have online registration set up this year, and we’re really excited about the number of ministry sites we have,” Addy said. 

“We are accepting donations to help fund the event along with various items. God taught us to love our neighbor, and that’s exactly what we’re doing with Love Out Loud.”

Donations being accepted for Love Out Loud this year include new stuffed animals, bed-in-a-bag sets, blankets, twin sheet sets, pillows, combs, socks, winter hats/gloves, old t-shirts, towels and bath cloths, pet treats and toys, backpacks, notebook paper, primary tablets, small notepads, washable markers, crayons, art supplies, diapers, baby shampoo and body wash, baby wipes, sippy cups, used sports equipment, devotion books, small Ziploc bags, gallon-size Ziploc bags, cookies, Kleenex, bottled water, gum, apples, peppermints, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, fingernail clippers, band-aids, lip balm, Bibles, and games. 

For more information about Love Out Loud, contact Addy at (601) 741-2225 or email To register for Love Out Loud online visit 

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