Just Among Friends
The First United Methodist Church held its Baccalaureate Service for the Class of 2023 on May 21 during the Sunday morning worship. The students wore their caps and gowns and participated in the actual service.
Mary Margaret Mars sang a solo, “The Commission,” which was so appropriate for the occasion. The words, “Let My spirit be with you where you go. You have a purpose and have a plan. Go tell the world about Me.”
Seniors are: Addy Lea Page, Mary Montgomery Mars, Lela Marshall, Anna Elise Breazele, Creed Fulton, Walker White, Alexis Stribling, and Spencer Rea.
Congratulations to Neshoba Central’s softball coach, Zac Sanders, for being selected as MAC Fast Pitch Coach of the Year for 2023. This is a well deserved honor for Coach Sanders!
The Rotary Club speaker on May 22 was Shannon Chaney Morrow. She is the food service coordinator for the Choctaw Indian Tribal Schools.
Shannon discussed her job as a dietician for the Choctaw schools and reminisced about her years as a Girl Scout under the leadership of current Rotarian, Virginia Eakes.
Gigantic congratulations to Moss Point residents Betta Alexander and her grandson, Julian, who won big on Wheel of Fortune last Wednesday night! They came home with almost $70,000! I am sorry I missed seeing it. It's always fun to see people from our state on national television.
The Holy Cross Women's Group spent an evening of fun with guest speaker, David Traywick of The Added Touch Florist and Ruby Yates House.
David is a very gifted floral designer who graciously consented to teach us how to make a basic floral arrangement for a table. He brought all of the materials we needed to make an arrangement, including fresh flowers, greenery, and a container.
We learned step-by-step how to make a beautiful arrangement as well as many different facts and tips about arranging flowers in a very entertaining manner. We also were introduced to the use of "weeds" as a filler in arrangements that can be gathered in pastures and alongside roads! It was such a special time. Thank you so very much, David, for being our guest!
The UAB School of Medicine held commencement ceremonies last weekend on the main campus in Birmingham. One of the graduates was Philadelphia’s Joseph Willis. The family now has two MDs, Dr. Joseph Willis, and his father, Dr. Walt Willis.
His very proud parents are Dr. Walt and Allison Gartrell Willis and his wife is Caroline Henson Willis. Congratulations!
Exciting news! The video for HARDY's song, "Wait in the Truck," featuring Lainey Wilson, has been chosen to have an official screening at the 2023 Tribeca Festival in New York City June 7-18. As one of the few country music videos to ever be featured in the festival, it will show three times throughout the festival!
William Carey University has awarded a four-year, full-ride scholarship to Matt Weir. Matt is a 2023 graduate of Neshoba Central High School. He plans to major in music. His parents are William Weir and Stacie Therrell Weir. Congratulations!
Neshoba Central has released the names of the 2024 Rockets Golf Team. The members are: Seniors: Luke Pettigrew; TJ Phillips; Jordan Kabore; Junior: Luke Wilborn; Sophomores: Miley Fulton; Reed Kilgore; John David Marshall; Cameron Webb.
Congratulations on these educators who are retiring from the Neshoba Central School District: Angie Breland; Dawn Garrett; Coach Bobby Goodin; Bobbie Beckham; Josephine Benson; Stacie Clark; Barbara Fortenberry; Sheila McDaniel; and Dana Quick. Congratulations to each one of you!