Just Among Friends
Leake Academy senior Maggie Alexander placed 9th out of 3,000 participants in the AIMS Archery All Star Meet recently. This was quite an accomplishment in such a huge number of competitors. Congratulations!
Congratulations to the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians for receiving the Tribal GIS Program of the Year Award at the National Tribal Geographic Information Support Center Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The award was given in recognition of the Tribe's journey to become more self sufficient through challenges and adversity. Mr. Roddy Nickey, GIS Data Specialist manages the Tribe's system and deserves credit for helping make this award possible.
Teasha Crouther was selected as Philadelphia High School Teacher of the Month. She was presented with a gift basket by Rhee Hankins with Elite Physical Therapy. Congratulations!
First United Methodist Church held a Baptism and Confirmation service on Sunday, April 23. Those who participated are Linnie Kate Kilpatrick, Alex Mars, Jax Mars, Katherine May, Cameron King, Caroline Mars, Anna Lola May, and Mary Laurence Vowell. Best wishes to each and every one of you on receiving this very special honor.
Oklahoma’s Class of 2024 has begun to gather steam and a very clear piece of evidence is Oklahoma's landing its first commitment from the state of Mississippi since 2015! That player is Isaiah Autry, a former Philadelphian and Tornado, who is an offensive tackle from Itawamba. He decided to commit to being a Sooner at Oklahoma. Isaiah had many, many offers and made many campus visits before making his final decision.
His parents are Marcus and Pashen Thompson Dent, Sr. His grandmother is Ruby Thompson-Brazzle of Philadelphia. Congratulations!
Eight members of Holy Cross Catholic Church received the Sacrament of Confirmation during last Sunday's mass. Bishop Kopacz officiated at the ceremony assisted by Father Darnis, Pastor.
It was a lovely occasion with many parents, family and friends present at the mass and afterwards at the reception in the church hall.
Those confirmed were: Kaylee Barnhill; Oscar Gasca; Brooke Leader; Danh Pham; Maggie Taylor; Hayden Yandell; Jenna Yandell; and Kaleb Yandell. Thank you to Emily Moran for preparing these children to be confirmed. Congratulations!
A "Happily Holland" Wedding Shower was given for Tyler Holland and Brooke Watkins who will be married on July 1, 2023. Tyler and Brooke will graduate from MSU in the spring commencement ceremonies. Tyler will enter his first year of medical school at UMMC in August
The shower was held in the lovely home of Misty Holland which was decorated with touches of the theme. A large white banner hung from the fireplace mantle to the floor with the words "Happily Holland" across the center and Brooke & Tyler beneath it with greenery and flowers embellishing the edges. A gifts table was next to it. Guests enjoyed meeting Brooke and getting acquainted with her.
They had fun making a wedding dress and veil for Brooke out of bathroom tissue and a suit for Tyler, too. After sampling the luscious food prepared by the hostesses, everyone settled down to watch the couple open their many thoughtful gifts in front of the Happily Holland banner. Hostesses were: Lynn Benson, Misty Holland, Amanda Beckham, Haley Holland, Gail Gray, Debbie Holland, Sylvia Beckham, and Tiffany Ford.
Leake Academy senior Sam Evans has been selected for the WTOK Scholastic All Sports Team. This honor qualifies Sam as a candidate for an athletic scholarship as he continues his education at Mississippi State University. Congratulations!