GOP women decorating Square with flags on 4th

GOP women decorating Square with flags on 4th


Decorating the square with flower baskets, flags, and custom banners is a project the Neshoba County Republican Women’s Club has gotten behind.

NCRW President Rachel Kiepe said the club is using funds raised during their Kentucky Derby party in May to buy the flower baskets and banners, and Yates Building Supply is donating the flags and flagpoles. 

“The Teenage Republicans of Neshoba County have been putting up flags on the Square for the last 20 years, and our club has taken over doing that,” Kiepe said. “The flower baskets are already on display, and we hope to have the flags and custom banners up around July 4. We plan for the flags to change depending on the season, and the banners were painted by club member Lisa Thompson. ” 

She said the flowers themselves were donated by club sponsors, and serve as a memorial for children 18 or younger who have died in Neshoba County. 

The club plans to have more flower tributes in the future, with the next theme honoring veterans who died during war or passed away from old age. 

Kiepe said the current flowers will remain on display until Labor Day. 

“We’re trying to help make things look good, especially with the Congress of Country Music coming up,” Kiepe said. “Our town is going through a renaissance. We want to be a fun, inviting hospitable town that people want to come to.” 

The club has more projects planned for the future, including family-friendly upgrades to Dewitt DeWeese Park. 

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