
November 13, 1942

The bill lowering the Selective Service induction age from 18 to 20 appears headed for final congressional approval exactly four weeks after it was reported favorably to the House. The last impediment to enactment of the sharply debated measure seemingly was removed this week when a group of senators decided not to press their attempt to require a full year’s training before they could be sent into combat overseas.

Private Charlie L. Ward, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Ward, of Philadelphia, has been transferred from Camp Shelby to Camp Robinson in Arkansas. Lieutenant and Mrs. Elliot L. Bounds spent several days last week with Lt. Bounds’ parents, Mr., and Mrs. G.T. Bounds, of the Bloomo Community. Lt. Bounds just finished a 4 months Officer’s Training course at Camp Lee in Virginia, and is now stationed at Ft. Davison, Massachusetts.         

November 15, 1952

Two boys from Neshoba County are attending 4-H Club Round Up in Jackson yesterday and today. The boys are; Irvin Sharp of Midway, district winner in Corn Production, and Raymond Sisson of Longino, district winner in Cotton Production.

The membership of Ocobla Baptist Church in the Bloomo School district are now at work rebuilding their church that burned down last summer, after being destroyed by lightning. The men of the church are donating their time, many are giving money and material, and they are asking that if anyone in the county wishes to help in this worthy cause, they can contact the Building Committee.   


November 15, 1962

Army Specialist Four Thomas C. Higginbotham, Jr., whose father lives in Carthage, recently participated in Exercise THREE PAIRS, a United States Strike Command joint Army-Air Force maneuver, at Fort Hood, Texas. The exercise, which pitted members of the 1st and 2nd Armored Division against each other, was designed to train Army and Air Force Units in combined operations stressing team play, speed, and flexibility, and the development of maximum fire power. 

Overall Chairman Vernon Gamblin this week announced the committees to work on the plans for the program opening the new U.S. Electrical Motors plant here. Five committees have already started functioning and the chairman may name others to serve on his particular committee if he thinks he needs them.         

November 16, 1972

The Philadelphia-Neshoba County Chamber of Commerce at its annual banquet this week and gave special recognition to Alan Perry, recent honor graduate of Harvard Law School for his numerous scholastic achievements. A plaque was presented on behalf of the Chamber by Richard Molpus. Perry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Perry of Philadelphia, was the top graduate of the 1972 class of Harvard law School.         

November 18, 1982

The Philadelphia Mayor and Board of Alderman accepted a bid Tuesday night for a new garbage truck for a total of $38,700. The new truck will replace present dilapidated equipment. In other business, the board denied 29 petitions from persons opposed to the new $4.50 sanitation fee for residences. 


November 13, 1992 

Mrs. Mary Gipson, a retired businesswoman and former city alderman, will be recognized as the “1991 Citizen of the Year during the 38th annual banquet of the Philadelphia-Neshoba County Chamber of Commerce. The banquet will be next week in the National Guard Armory.  


November 13, 2002

As part of NCHS’s litter-free campaign, the student council honored the custodians with a breakfast last week. Those honored were; Everette Rash, Norman Walker, Fred Seales, Tony Riley, and Angie Johnson. The Rocket Student Body has been busy trying to maintain a litter-free campus. Led by the student council, the students at NCHS are promoting litter awareness.  


   November 16, 2012

Parker Scott Moody, 7, killed his first deer, a 4-point during youth season while hunting with this dad on private land. Moody is the son of Scott and Shelia Moody of Philadelphia. 

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