
July 14, 1944

The County Board of Mrs. Carl Martin, chairman of the Sponsoring Committee for the Clean-Up Drive reports that in general, the drive was a success. The Committee wishes to commend those citizens who so willingly and whole-heartedly took part, for their fine work. 


Disabled veterans of the present war may apply for job counseling and vocational training and rehabilitation at centers to be established at colleges and universities throughout the country, according to the Veterans Administration and the Office of War Mobilization. 


July 15, 1954

At the regular noon meeting of Philadelphia Rotary Club Monday at the Benwalt Hotel, Richard Allen was installed as president for the ensuing year.  


Lt. Gov. Carroll Garth, an avid dry and prohibitionist, will speak here Saturday afternoon, July 17 on the courthouse lawn for the first time in his race for the United States Senate. 

July 16, 1964

Bill Collier has been elected president of the Philadelphia Lions Club. Those selected to serve with him for the coming year are 1st vice president, Morris Therrell; 2nd vice president, John Risher; 3rd vice president, Johnnie PIggs; secretary and treasurer, J. C. Williamson; Tial Twister, John Hartshorn; and Lion Tamer, George Saxon. 

July 18, 1974

J. R. Peterson, associate director of R & D Center, met Monday with the Board of Directors of the East Central Planning and Development District to discuss the area's potential for economic growth.


The possibility of finding any missing U.S. servicemen still alive is very bleak, according to Congressman G.V. (Sonny) Montgomery following a 10 day visit to Southeast Asia. 

July 18, 1984

A Neshoba County circuit court jury took less than 50 minutes to return a verdict in favor of a Philadelphia businessman in a civil suit last Tuesday. 

July 20, 1994  

Ribbon cutting ceremonies to commemorate the completion of highway reconstruction in Philadelphia are scheduled for Monday, July 25 at 11 a.m, Central Transportation Commissioner Wayne Burkes announced today. 

      July 14, 2004

County supervisors approved a final payment to the contractor on the $3.6 million courthouse renovation at the same time the project architect updated the board on repairs still waiting to be completed.


July 16, 2014

The assessed value of Neshoba County rose $3.3 million, or about 2 percent, which was welcome news to the Board of Supervisors. The previous year the county saw a $700,000 drop in value despite reappraisal. 


The purchase of the county-owned speculative building in the industrial park by The Taylor Group Inc. of Louisville was approved Monday by the Board of Supervisors without discussion.

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