June 30, 1944
Philadelphia had its face washed and burned clean this week. As the clean-up drive, under the leadership of Mrs. Myra Martin as city-wide chairman, and Archie McMullan as co-chairman, declared the drive a success as a whole.
Tom DeWeese was installed as president of the local Exchange Club Wednesday at the weekly luncheon held at the Benwalt Hotel. Rev. Hugh C. Castle, pastor of First Methodist Church, had charge of the installation ceremonies.
June 24, 1954
House breaking and petty thievery has been the work of culprits for the past two weeks in the city, in each instance small sums of money being taken with seemingly nothing else being bothered.
At a meeting of the Retail Stores committee of the Chamber of Commerce, Tuesday night, it was voted to close retail stores Monday, July 5th, in observance of July 4th, which comes on Sunday this year.
June 25, 1964
The Southside Methodist Church of Philadelphia is no longer a charge but is now a full-time church with 158 members. The change was made at the last conference when Rev. Hubert Daniels was named pastor.
June 28, 1974
Plans are underway to begin a fundraising drive in the near future to finance a proposed $300,000 Neshoba County Library. The fundraising plan and other matters concerning the new library were discussed Monday at a meeting between the Library Board of Trustees, the Library Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and other interested persons.
Neshoba County is one of 34 Mississippi counties in which the Bayou Culvert Manufacturing Co., of Crowley, LA has submitted bids which average around 37 percent lower than Mississippi culver companies, but no purchases from Bayou have been made by the local supervisors.
June 29, 1984
A suspension of funding of the East Central Community Action Agency was announced by the Governor's Office of Federal-State Programs. The action was taken because of audit finding which indicate possible insufficient management and accountability.
June 30, 1994
A growing labor force and growth in numbers of jobs appear to bode well for the state's long-term economy, according to reports released today by the Mississippi Employment Security Commission.
June 25, 2004
Renovation of the historic Ellis Theatre downtown moved a step closer as the debt on the building was retired this month, much to the surprise of the Philadelphia-Neshoba County Arts Council, which owns the facility and operates it as a creative and performing arts center.
June 26, 2014
The Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled parts of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were unconstitutional in a 5-4 vote, saying that Congress had not provided adequate justification for subjecting only nine states, including Mississippi, to federal oversight.
The new $19 million Neshoba County General Hospital will open Sunday with a special celebration including a program, tours, and reception.