
June 2, 1944

Two sons and one son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Robertson of the Bond community, are doing their bit for Uncle Sam. They are M/SGT. Melvin Cortez Robertson, who was recently promoted to his present rank, is serving in Brazeil; PFC. 


Outha C. Robertson, who is somewhere in England, was inducted into the service in 1941; and SGT. Audy J. Irons, who is somewhere in New Guinea, entered the service in 1941 also. All three boys receive the Democrat and enjoy it very much.


June 3, 1954

Junior B. Johnson, 32 year old World War II veteran, was shot and killed last Saturday morning on the courthouse square. L. B. Barrett was arrested and lodged in jail following the affair. 


The voters of this city voted 986 to 38 in favor of the expansion program at the Wells-Lamont Glove factory Tuesday. A total of 1,024 qualified voters participated in the election. 

June 4, 1964

Supt. of Eduction J.E. Hurdle said this week that no one had been named as principal of Philadelphia High School to succeed Tom Pettey, who resigned at the end of the school year to accept a similar position at Tunica High School in Tunic County. 


The Chapel Choir from the First Baptist Church of Texarkana, Texas, will present a concert of sacred music in the auditorium of the First Baptist Church in Philadelphia. The program will be broadcast over Radio Station WHOC.

June 7, 1974

The Farmers Home Administration has adequate funds available for rural housing loans at an interest rate of 7 1/4 percent with repayment terms up to thirty-three years, said Don Howington, Neshoba County FHA supervisor.


The first doctoral degree in creative writing to be awarded in the South went to Rosalie Burkes Daniels in the May 23 graduation exercises at the University of Southern Mississippi. 

June 1, 1984

Seven boys from Philadelphia and Neshoba County are participating this week in the 41st session of the American Legion Boys State. The week-ong event includes the political aspects of running city, county and state government and being elected to the various offices. 

June 2, 1994  

Steve Webb, president and CEO of The Citizens Bank, presented Jean S. Fulton, vice president and trust officer, a certificate of membership in the Mississippi Bankers Association Forty Year Club, in recognition of 40 years of distinguished service. 


June 4, 2004

Under a city ordinance set to take effect Friday, a new commission will regulate what exterior changes can be made to properties in the city's historic district and would have authority to levy fines against violators. 


June 5, 2014

Unauthorized use of fire hydrants is the suspected cause of ongoing "dingy" or "muddy" water being experienced by households and businesses in the northern and eastern sections of the city, the manager of Philadelphia Utilities said.


Ground was broken Friday morning for a new improvement project at Neshoba County Lake with numerous state officials in attendance.

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