
May 19, 1944

Looking for a location to erect a glove factory, W.O. Wells, Jr. and L.C. Waite, of the Wells Lamont Corp., of Chicago, met with representatives of the local chamber of commerce Tuesday afternoon in the Benwalt Hotel.


A streamlined program of one day’s duration, marked by large attendance and intense interest with “War Service in Action” as the theme was given here by the Second District, Mississippi Federation of Women's Clubs Thursday, May 11th in the Methodist church.


May 20, 1954

Supt. TJ Durrett announces this week the appointment of Jack Walker as principal of the high school, who will coach football and baseball for the Philadelphia High School.


It was announced here yesterday afternoon that the Neshoba Park Commission’s Beauty Review would be staged at the city swimming pool on the night of Thursday, June 10. The winner of the beauty pageant will be officially designated as “Miss Philadelphia” and will represent the area in the “Miss Hospitality” beauty contest which will be held in Biloxi.

May 21, 1964

Philadelphia High School will graduated 68 seniors in exercises Monday night at the school auditorium at 8:00 o’clock. The baccalaureate services will be held Sunday, May 24.


The first graduation exercises for any group of seniors at the Pearl River Indian School will be held Wednesday, May 27, on campus of the school about eight miles west of Philadelphia. 

May 23, 1974

Henry C. Wood has announced his candidacy for chancellor of the Sixth Chancery Court District, Place Two. The first primary will be held on June 4th.

May 23, 1984

The Clay Buff Art Association will honor artist Edna May Saturday with a reception from 9 a.m. to 12 noon in the home economist kitchen at the courthouse.

A $500 reward has been offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons who destroyed property at Northside Park on May 15.

May 25, 1994  

Of an original 200 in a company of men who joined the Civilian Conservation Corps here in 1933, only nine showed up for their annual reunion Saturday. The Civilian Conservation Corps helped put the United States a step ahead when World War II started. 


May 26, 2004

Two masked men robbed a convenience store on Holland Avenue at gunpoint last week, one telling the clerk he would kill her if she tried to watch them leave, the authorities said.  


May 21, 2014

Surrounded by debris and uprooted trees, Gov. Phil Bryant on Monday announced the opening of a temporary hospital after the one here took a direct hit in an April killer tornado.

Retired Mississippi Army National Guard Col. Ray Crocker will deliver the keynote address at Monday's Memorial Day program in DeWeese Park across from the public library.

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