
October 22, 1943

The first meeting of the new year of the Neshoba County Teachers' Association was held Tuesday night, October 19, at the Philadelphia High School auditorium. There was a large attendance, every school in the county being represented. Mr. Loyd Hardin was elected chairman of the County Teachers' Association.

Plans have been completed for Neshoba County's part in the National War Fund drive which opens Monday, October 25, Chairman Pete DeWeese said this week. With a quota of $5,390.00 assigned this county, Mr. DeWeese believes the amount will be in long before the campaign is scheduled to close.


October 22, 1953

The first fishing rodeo took place at the American Legion Lake for the women of Philadelphia last Thursday when a dozen avid fishermen ladies spent the day with dinner, prizes, bait, tackle, etc. to decide who was the biggest fisherwoman and who was the one who could haul in the littlest fish for the day.

The Kiwanis Club of Neenah, Wis., has set the nation an example by pledging itself not to exert pressure on Congress for any appropriation "For the selfish benefit of any group, our community, or our state."

     October 24, 1963    

September sales tax collection for Philadelphia totaled $7,309.85, according to figures released by the Municipal Association this week. 

The Lydian Music Club celebrated its annual Folk Music Festival last Thursday, in the home of Mrs. Everette Cole, Jr. with Mrs. Tom Pettey as co-hostess.

October 25, 1973

Neshoba County and Philadelphia schools are participating in a new drug education program believed to be unique in the nation. Drug education specialists who underwent specialized training during the summer are Mundy Breazeale, Neshoba County schools, and Michael J. Cosgrove, Philadelphia schools.

October 26, 1983

Therrell Myers, superintendent of the Philadelphia City Schools, said today that it will be necessary to close the Philadelphia Elementary School on Friday, Oct. 28, and Monday, Oct. 31, due to the installation of a new roof at the school.

Mrs. B. C. Peden of Philadelphia was the second place overall winner in the Mississippi State Fair adult arts and crafts division. Mrs. Peden received eight blue ribbons with the first place winner receiving nine.

October 27, 1993 

The story of a 13-year-old boy who survived a 37-foot fall from a tree because of the heroics of his four friends will be featured on a future segment of the primetime television show Rescue 911. One of the four boys who helped save their friend's life has numerous relatives in Philadelphia and Neshoba County.


October 22, 2003

The Union Public School District has asked Neshoba County to help with construction of a new sports complex to be located in the county. The Board of Supervisors discussed on Monday a letter sent by Don Brantley, superintendent of Union Public Schools, requesting that the board provide grubbing, grading, and cleaning of 23.5 acres which the school have purchased.


October 23, 2013

Mayor James A. Young planned to ask the Board of Aldermen last night to close applications for a new police chief on Oct 11, earlier than initially planned in wake of the recent shootings in the city, including one near an occupied Head Start center.

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