Extension agent marvels at sleeping 50 at Fair

Extension agent marvels at sleeping 50 at Fair


Two new agents for the Neshoba County Extension Service jumped right into action this week at the Neshoba County Fair having never been.

Chris Domingue started July 1 as the Agricultural and Natural Resource Agent with a 40% 4-H appointment. 

Anna Windham started July 16 as the 4-H Agent. Before going out to set up the agricultural displays last week, neither had ever gone to the Fair.

“It was very impressive,” Domingue said. “Last week, we had some impressive vegetables and field crops displayed. We had a pumpkin that weighed 102 pounds.

“This week, we’ll have the beef cattle and dairy cattle showings. This has been a good chance to meet some of the people we will be working with. I have been able to put faces with some of the names I have been talking to on the phone.”

They also got a chance to look around and see some of the cabins.

“It is three stories and they can sleep 50 people,” he said of office associate Amanda Alford’s cabin. “On the second and third stories, here was bed after bed after bed. It was amazing.”

Domingue is from Mandeville, Louisianna, and is a graduate of LSU. He majored in animal science with a concentration in animal production.

“A larger part of my job will be dealing with producers and answering questions about ponds, crops, weeds and livestock,” Domingue said. “Anything that falls under that.”

Windham is from Sand Hill in Greene County. She is a graduate of Jones College and the University of Southern Mississippi where she majored in Child and Family Science.

“I grew up in 4H, from the time you could start until the time you aged out,” Windham said. “I grew up on a farm. We raised registered beef masters.

“This week, I have seen a lot of familiar faces, especially those who grew up showing beef masters like I did. It was fun to reunite with those people. I told someone with 4H, when you age out, you find a job or a career where you are allowed to stay in it.”

Windham said she was looking forward to getting her program started.

“We have discussed some programs I would like to implement,” Windham said. “We have talked about a livestock judging team and a cooking program. I look forward to meeting everyone.”

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