East Neshoba fire rating improves to Class 8

East Neshoba fire rating improves to Class 8


The East Neshoba Fire Protection District has received a change in its rating, dropping from a Class 9 to a Class 8.

The news was announced during the Aug. 7 meeting of the Neshoba County Board of Supervisors and will represent a decrease in home insurance costs for people living in the district.

“This was based on the firefighting capabilities in the district,” said County Administer Jeff Mayo. “They are re-rated every four to five years. A lot of things go into the rating. It’s the equipment, the water supply, training, how many volunteers you have, response time, all of those things.”

In other actions, supervisors voted to:

• Approve an Inter-local Agreement for the Sheriff’s Department to provide Resource Officers to the Neshoba County  School District for the 2023-2024 school year;

• Accept the April 2023 DUI Grant Reimbursement of $3,937;

• Approve a pay increase for Deputy Sheriff Davirius Miller upon completion of certification to $17.25 per hour. Supervisors also  approved transitioning Deputy Sheriff Josh Burt to part-time status;

• Approve the hiring Ashley Ray and Terry Mayo as correctional officers and the termination of correctional officer William Watkins. 

• Supervisors accepted the resignation of correctional officer Logan Bateman and approved a $.50 per hour pay increase for Laydric Carter after six months of continuous employment;

• Approve yearly appointments to Chancery Court staff for which Neshoba County is responsible for 20 percent of their salaries.- Heather Irby as court administrator, $67,540 per year, Erin Land as deputy court administrator, $64,200 per year, B J Morrow, staff attorney, $89,100 per year;

• Approve the employment of Zoe Brooke Jones as a telecommunicator for EMA;

• Approve a travel request for Emergency Management staff to attend the Regional Fire Coordinator meeting in Louisville;

 • Approve the reappointment of Obbie Riley to the Multi-County Community Service Agency Board;

• Approve paying Pryor-Morrow invoice for Coliseum Project, $2,515;

• Approve paying Matt Boatner Construction invoice for the Burnside project totaling $5,400;

• Approve paying Allen & Hoshall invoice for the Burnside project totaling $500;

• Approve paying Perry Construction invoice for the CDBG project at the Neshoba General Nursing Home totaling $93,308

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