Burnside Auditorium to reopen soon

Burnside Auditorium to reopen soon


The more than quarter million dollar renovation at Burnside Auditorium has been completed and county supervisors are now working to finalize the equipping of the building for rental again.

Since the Neshoba County Board of Supervisors took over Burnside Park in January 2018, one of their main goals has been to renovate the auditorium.

“Before it fell into disrepair, it was used as a voting precinct and general events. Everything from family reunions to various other activities,” said County Administrator Jeff Mayo. 

“Now, it is going to be rented for those types of events. And not this year, but next year, the Burnside voting precinct will be moved back there. The project was done for more public use.” 

The auditorium renovation job was contracted out to Matt Boatner Construction, which began working on the project in January. 

The project has since been completed and supervisors are now working to finalize the equipping of the building for rental.

“We have ordered appliances and expect them to be delivered shortly. We have also ordered all of the necessary sanitary and janitorial items and expect them to be delivered shortly for installation as well,” said Mayo. “We hope to be renting the building by mid-September.”

The total cost for the project was $265,500, according to Mayo.

Renovations to the auditorium included two new package units for HVAC. Entrances and bathrooms have been upgraded to meet federal ADA regulations. The kitchen was renovated, and new lighting and new doors have also been installed.

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