Autopsy fees double for county in 2024

Autopsy fees double for county in 2024


Neshoba County will pay increased morgue fees to the State Medical Examiner’s Office. 

The fee will increase from $150 to $300 per autopsy case and will go into effect on Jan. 1, 2024.

The change was announced during the Aug. 21 meeting of the Neshoba County Board of Supervisors.

“Neshoba County has several fee increases effective Jan. 1 and this fee increase joins others that will have to be paid for services.  Due to the significant inflation we are experiencing, the cost to operate is higher for state agencies and those costs are passed on to the counties for the services they provide.  We are fortunate the autopsy fee didn’t increase as well,” said County Administrator Jeff Mayo.  

In other actions, supervisors voted to:

• Approve a Memorandum of Understanding for the Sheriff’s Department with the Mississippi Department of Public Safety for use of their e-citation application suite;

• Accepted the Magnolia Fraternal Association donation for the Sheriff’s Department of $2,500;

• Accept the May 2023 DUI Grant Reimbursement of $4,192;

• Approve the resignation of Brandon Rush as Deputy Sheriff;

• Approve the hiring of Lourie Formby as Part-Time deputy and School Resource officer;

• Accept the extension of the Waste Tire Disposal Grant from the Mississippi Department of Environment Quality;

• Accepted and implemented funding requests from Union Public Schools and Neshoba County School District for next fiscal year;

• Approved the Circuit Court funding order for four attorneys’ salaries at $60,000 per year and one staff person at $25,000 per year for felony indigent counsel. Neshoba County is responsible for 30 percent of the cost; 

• Approve a generator service agreement proposal from Generator Sales & Service for $7,200 which was the lowest quote received.  Others included CAT for $10,940 and ESSE for $7,725, and;

• Approve paying the Association of Tennessee Valley Governments invoice for membership dues totaling $509;

• Approved a budget allocation to Philadelphia Transit for $5,000 for this fiscal year.

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