Arts Council hosts theater camp for ‘101 Dalmatians’

Arts Council hosts theater camp for ‘101 Dalmatians’


The PNC Arts Council hosted its first Kids Theatre Camp last week, culminating in two delightful productions of Disney’s “101 Dalmatians” on Friday night.

The camp welcomed children ages 4 to 12, with 101 enthusiastic participants from various cities and towns. Of those, 21 were given speaking roles. Six of the main cast members were from the surrounding area.

Preparations included two rehearsals for the main group of kids and three for the main cast prior to the camp. They mastered choreography, learned the music from Tuesday to Friday, and even enjoyed some arts and crafts.  

The production was a charming retelling of the beloved Disney classic, directed by Arts Council President Kinsey Goldman and Secretary Morgan Jay, supported by a dedicated team of 19 adults and high school students.

“The kids did well and learned everything really quick,” Goldman said. “They were on their marks every time we asked them to be.”

Goldman said that both shows were a huge success, drawing in great crowds. Jay added that after the shows, one kid asked when they could try out for the next show, and another told her mom she wanted to be in all the future shows.

“That was special for us,” Jay said. “We want them to learn to love it. Just hearing them say they wanted to do it again was really special.”

Plans are already underway for the 2025 kids theatre camp, which will feature “Finding Nemo” and is scheduled for the same week next June.

Goldman said the Arts Council’s main goal for this production was to prepare the children before camp, leaving only staging and choreography to be learned during the camp week, and to ensure the kids had a great time. 

“They did an excellent job,” Jay said. “Seeing them smiling and singing in costume at the first show choked me up. I was so excited to see their excitement.”

For those interested in joining the Arts Council or finding new information on auditions, upcoming shows, and more, please get in touch with members on the PNC Arts Council Facebook page.

“It’s not too late to join the Arts Council this year,” Goldman said. “Membership dues help us put on productions like this, and the more support we get, the better off we will be.”

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