Aldermen apply for $30K grant for DeWeese Park work

Aldermen apply for $30K grant for DeWeese Park work


Philadelphia Main Street has applied for a Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) grant of up to $30,000 to support the DeWitt DeWeese Park beautification project.

Main Street Director Tim Moore said that TVA has been assisting with park upgrades and has encouraged them to apply for available funds through their grant program. 

As Main Street is a 501(c)(6) organization, the City of Philadelphia has approved proceeding with the grant application to ensure the funds can be allocated for park improvements.

Moore said Main Street is also currently working on obtaining quotes and bids for ongoing project elements, including trees, lighting, and an irrigation system.

The beautification project follows a conceptual master plan completed in 2020 after the placement of the Fallen Veterans Monument.

Following the removal of all of the pine trees in April, efforts are now focused on planting shrubs and a butterfly garden, installing lighting and sprinkler systems, and adding amenities such as new walking trails, benches, and picnic tables.

“We’ve been working to build up funds,” Moore said. “Without the help of TVA, Philadelphia Utilities, and the city, we would’ve never been able to afford to get the trees down and get started like we are.”

In other business, aldermen voted to:

• Approve a motion to pay Hi-Lite Airfield Services $168,413 for work completed on the airport seal coat project. The motion was unanimously approved;

• Approve a motion to appoint Sam Nowell to the Philadelphia Utilities Board, filling Daryl Young’s position. The motion was unanimously approved;

• Approve a motion to remove the 4-way stop at Williams Brothers. The motion was approved unanimously ;

• Approve a motion to terminate two employees from the Cemetery Department. The motion was approved unanimously;

• Approve a motion to hire Courtney Barrier with Animal Control at $11.50 per hour pending drug screen effective July 15. The motion was approved unanimously;

• Approve a motion to hire Landon Green part-time with the Cemetery Department at $9 per hour pending drug screen, effective July 9. The motion was approved unanimously;

• Approve a motion to name Arthur Breakfield department head of Cemetery and Animal Control at a pay rate of $20 per hour. The motion was approved unanimously;

• Approve a motion to give Jeremy Huffman with the Cemetery Department a raise to $15 per hour. The motion was approved unanimously;

• Approve a motion to hire David Elliot at the Police Department as sergeant at $19.77 per hour, effective July 3. The motion was approved unanimously;

• Approve a motion to promote Adam Joe with the Police Department to lieutenant at $21.06 per hour. The motion was approved unanimously;

• Approve a motion to promote Wyatt Gore with the Police Department to Patrolman 2nd Class at $17.56 per hour. The motion was approved unanimously;

• Approve a motion to pursue a reverse auction pursuant to purchasing law to obtain the fuel truck for the airport and to use PH Bidding services. The motion was approved unanimously;

• Approve a motion to accept the low bid from Killen Contractors for removing 13 light poles around the bypass at $5,200, with the higher bid from Elcon being $6,475. The motion was approved unanimously;

• Approve a motion to close a portion of Center Avenue in front of Steve’s on the Square on July 11 for a fashion show. The motion was approved unanimously;

• Approve a motion to approve a C-Spire road bore along Walnut Street, Pearl Avenue., Loper Street, Pat Avenue., Jericho Street., Lewis Avenue, and Front Avenue. The motion was approved unanimously;

• Approve a motion to negotiate a lease agreement with a company for the U.S. Motors building subject to the agreement terms and satisfactory lease agreement, which shall be voted on at a subsequent meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen. The motion was approved unanimously.

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