Just Among Friends

Just Among Friends


Each summer since he was old enough, Calvin Williams has gone to Montana, where his father, John Williams, works on a real cattle ranch! This summer, he won first place in barrels! He and his father make the most of the time they have together in this gorgeous setting, with actual horses and ranch life to experience.


Happy Anniversary to Mark and Tammy Kay Gray Ferguson who celebrated their 26th wedding anniversary on July 18! They have spent these years keeping busy with family activities as well as their own! Congratulations!


Many grandparents regard visits from their grandchildren as a blessing and welcome them whenever they can come. Wendell and Florine Holmes, Sr., recently enjoyed a visit from their four grandchildren whom they consider a blessing. The four children and their mother who live in Texas were guests in their home where they had fun doing things around Philadelphia and playing together in green spaces. The children had a great time doing whatever was offered and meeting their cousins. They love their grandmother’s great cooking, too!


Congratulations to Mary Mars for making the MACCC All-Academic Team of the year 2023-2024 with a GPA of 3.1! She attends Co-Lin Community College where she has excelled, not only in athletics (tennis), but also in academics. Her parents are Adam Mars and the late Kaysie Mars.


Congratulations to Haley Holland who was recently promoted to the Drafting Manager at Sly LLC! She has worked for the company since she graduated from Mississippi State University with a degree in mechanical engineering in December 2021. She is now over all the Production Engineers for Sly LLC in all its Mississippi and Ohio plants.  Her parents, Tommy and Sharon Eldridge Holland, are so very proud of their daughter and all of the hard work she put into her job!


A huge Thank You to New Orleans Hall of  Famer Fred Mcafee and the New Orleans Saints who donated defibrillators to Philadelphia High School! The donation is a gesture of goodwill and commitment to community health and safety by the Philly alum in collaboration with the New Orleans Saints organization. The donation was warmly received by superintendent Whitehead, School Board members, faculty, and students, who expressed their gratitude and delight in being the recipients of this generous gift, which can also save lives


Once you have children, your heart goes walking around outside of your body for the rest of your life. My heart returned to Dallas last Sunday after spending over six weeks taking care of her dad while I was in swing bed after an elective hip replacement. I saw how organized and efficient she was! The first thing she did was replace all of the lightbulbs in the house with brighter ones. I thought at first she had replaced the fixture! She and Bert cooked all of our meals with help from Leah, Ronnies, and The Porterhouse. After I came home, she took care of both of us and worked from home. Her husband, Bert Foster, came and stayed for two weeks. I could not believe he took such loving, patient care of us and Coco, along with Bert. I am so proud of the woman she has become and the husband she has chosen.

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