Just Among Friends

Just Among Friends


A flash of brilliant pink hovered over the Perry's fair cabin last Wednesday. It was a flock of vivid pink flamingos that had flown in, especially for Evelyn's bridge luncheon. (She has connections with the wing commander!) As each guest entered, two flamingos gracefully landed on her head via a headband.

A luscious salad plate with, of course, a wedge of watermelon was enjoyed! Flamingos walked down the middle of the table creating a festive accent to the lovely tablescape. After lunch, everyone had a fun afternoon of bridge. Each guest was surprised by a beautiful fan decorated with a flamingo surrounded by flowers and greenery on a black background.

The 2nd & 4th Wednesday Bridge Club members enjoying the day were Ray Fleming, Carol Oliphant, Phoebe Henson, Joyce Dansby, Pat Thomasson, Wendy Haydon, June Nowell, and our hostess, Evelyn Perry. Absent was Marianne Enochs.


Cooks Chapel Church members periodically honor a deputy with a goodie basket filled with "goodies"  and prayers for these people who help keep the county safe. The recent recipient of the basket was Eric Clark. He was thankful for the thoughts and prayers that the church families showed our local law enforcement. What a wonderful idea.


Residents of the J.G. Alexander Nursing Center were treated to a special guest, David Traywick, owner of The Added Touch Florists in Union, Philadelphia, and Newton, who demonstrated how to make an arrangement of flowers and greenery in bud vases, all of which he brought. The residents spent a fun afternoon with David and his entertaining interactive demonstration. At the conclusion, each person showed off a lovely arrangement. Thank you for donating your time to brighten up their day!


The Tuscaloosa Symphony Orchestra welcomed Katelyn Reed to the Board recently. She moved to Tuscaloosa to further her education at the University of Alabama, where she earned a Master of Social Work and Ph.D. in Social Work. Her dedication to liberal arts programming and commitment to community service shines through everything she does.

Katelyn and her husband, Shane, own and manage several small business, including Strange Brew Coffeehouse and Churn & Spoon Creamery. She enjoys working in the coffeehouse and contributing to her church and community as well as playing with her two doodle dogs. Shane’s parents, Woody and Lisa Reed, are very proud of her honor. Congratulations!


Congratulations to Neshoba Central High School nurse Misty Murray Holland, who recently received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing. She also passed the National Board Certification in School Nursing. Misty has many years in her chosen field which add to her expertise and enhance her work as the school nurse for NCHS.


Congratulations to Dwayne and Kathy McDaniel Ridout who celebrated their 56th Wedding Anniversary on July 6th! Wishing them many more years of happiness and love!

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