Just Among Friends
Three Philadelphia residents, Edith Michalovic, and her grandchildren, Katelyn and Sam Durant, recently enjoyed a wonderful trip to Edith’s hometown of Chicago. During their visit, they visited Lincoln Park Zoo, saw Lake Michigan, enjoyed an Architecture Boat Tour, and learned the history of Chicago’s famous skyscrapers. They also ate traditional Chicago hot dogs with no ketchup! A trip to Chinatown added to their fun with a traditional Chinese meal and they also found their zodiac signs that correspond to their birth years.
At the Art Institute of Chicago they saw paintings by Vincent van Gogh, Picasso, Monet, as well as the famous sculpture nicknamed “The Bean” in Millenium Park. Sadly, “The Bean” was closed for renovation, so they could only see it from a distance through a fence.
Edith’s son and daughter-in-law, Mark and Sherri Michalovic, from Philadelphia, Penn., joined the trio for part of the trip. While they were in Chicago, Edith had a birthday on May 18th, so her family decided to throw her a birthday party picnic in the park close to where she grew up. Katelyn and Sam met their Nana’s nieces and nephews. They all enjoyed Middle Eastern food and birthday cake while celebrating Edith’s 84th birthday!
The First Baptist Church honored Shelbi White with a bridal shower in the church hall on June 15rh. She is the fiancé of Tyler Jordan Greer. The hall looked very festive, with tables covered in white-textured fabric cloth with centerpieces of white flowers and greenery. Refreshments were served from white cloth-covered tables with accents of white flowers and greenery. A gift table covered in a matching cloth waited for the couple to open the many wonderful gifts that were brought by the guests. The honoree looked lovely in a colorful one one-shouldered summer dress accented with a beautiful white corsage.
“Cheers & Beers to Sixty Years” read the sign that greeted guests as they entered Shay Daly’s surprise birthday party at the Sunset Grill. His wife, Anne Russell Daly, orchestrated a surprise party that absolutely floored him! It was a fun time that included a birthday cake that was appropriately decorated for the occasion with a can of Bud Lite suspended above the cake top with form covering the top and cascading down the sides of a chocolate cake. Happy Birthday, Shay!
Congratulations to Keri Tawater for being selected as the Bayou View Middle School 6th grade Administrator for the 2024-2025 school year! Keri holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Elementary Education and a Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Mississippi. She earned a Master of Science and PhD from Mississippi State University.
Keri and Cameron Tawater have recently moved to Biloxi with their family. Best wishes for a great year!
Happy Anniversary to Sid and Mickey Williams, who celebrated 47 years of marriage on June 24th! This couple is active in their church and loves participating in their grandchildren's activities whenever possible.
The Neshoba County Sheriff’s Office celebrated the retirement of Brad Stuart on June 25. Brad faithfully served Neshoba County at both state and local levels for over 25 years. Everyone wished him best of luck in his future plans. He was presented a plaque commemorating his years of service. Congratulations!
I am so very happy to be home after almost a month in the hospital and Neshoba swingbed! A hip replacement brought relief from agonizing pain. I was so homesick even though Candler and Romily came every day. I wanted to be at home. I am undergoing at-home therapy and care and am making progress. I appreciated the visits and prayers from everyone. They really made a difference!