
NOVEMBER 21, 1941

Angrily protesting the Defense Mediation Board’s ruling against a union ship in captive coal mines, C.I.O President Philip Murray and Thomas Kennedy, sec-treas., of the mine workers, resigned from the board Tuesday, and reports were current that the Army was preparing to cope with a new “emergency’ in the pits.

A total of 301 Members joined the Red Cross in Neshoba county during the annual roll call conducted last week, Earl Yates, local chairman, reports. Quota for the county was 1200.

NOVEMBER 17, 1951

In an effort to curb the sale of intoxicating liquors in the city limits, Mayor Jimmie Haddock and Officer Hugh Barrett, raided several places last week and found six gallons of moonshine and four cases of beer.

The Mississippi Economic Council, an organization composed largely of business and professional leadership in the state, is seeking additional representation in Neshoba County, according to F.L. Grubbs, local county chairman.   

NOVEMBER 17, 1961

A Browning 12 Gauge Automatic shot gun will be given away by the Neshoba County Jaycees Saturday, November 18th at 4 o’clock, at the courthouse. Proceeds of the ticket sales go to help sponsor the Little League baseball and the Christmas parade.

At the regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Alderman of the City of Philadelphia last Tuesday, a motion was made that the south side of Main Street be widened to the north side of the sidewalk, from Church Avenue to Holland Avenue. 


NOVEMBER 18, 1971

Final plans were announced this week for a public hearing on the proposed 12,600 acre reservoir to be constructed in Neshoba County.

The Bobashela District, consisting of Neshoba, Newton, and Kemper counties, will hold its annual fall camporee this weekend in Decatur. 

NOVEMBER 19, 1981

Sheriff Johnny Phillips said two men have been charged with aggravated assault in connection with the beating of a third man.

A new 5.5 mile section of State Highway 15 between the Linwood and Neshoba communities is now open to traffic.

City and county officials have officially set Dec. 15 as the date for a $900,000 bond issue election to help finance the proposed Neshoba County Vocational Technical Center.      

NOVEMBER 16, 1991

Mississippi Secretary of State Dick Molpus, speaking here Monday night at the annual Chamber of Commerce banquet, commended the community on maintaining its industrial and economic base while other areas are dealing with a downturn.

William G. (Gully) Yates Sr. was recognized and commended Monday night for his “outstanding contributions to the economic development of Philadelphia and Neshoba County.”

Dr. Natalia da Roza, former president of the Mississippi Music Teachers Association, will present a piano recital on Sunday, Nov. 24 in the Neshoba County Library.


NOVEMBER 15, 2001

For Tribal Chief Phillip Martin, the opening of a hospitality institute and Choctaw Geo Imaging is just another sign of the Tribe’s growing diversity and prosperity and an indicator of a vibrant economy in Neshoba County.        


NOVEMBER 15, 2011

Neshoba County’s new redistricting map, which contains both a majority black and majority American Indian precinct, has been approved by the U.S. Department of Justice.

The engineer in charge of the AlphaGen renovation told Philadelphia aldermen last week he expects the $1 million project that is expected to bring 200 jobs to be completed by year’s end. 

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