
December 10, 1943

The Red Cross would like to take this opportunity to thank the ladies of Neshoba County and of Philadelphia for the many hours of service they have so willingly and cheerfully given during the past year. The knitting, sewing, kit bag, and surgical dressing departments have all made splendid records which have been published in the form of monthly reports in the Democrat.

December 10, 1953

Representative David Womack, Jr. of Belzoni, will speak to the Philadelphia Rotary Club on Monday, December 14. Mr. Womack will discuss studies made by a legislative recess committee in reorganization of the state government. He was chairman of the study committee.

Thirty-five members of Philadelphia's crack National Guard unit departed from Philadelphia Tuesday afternoon for Vicksburg, where they will assist in patrolling the storm-stricken city where at least 32 persons were killed in a tornado last Saturday.

 December 12, 1963    

A military funeral for Sgt. Billy Gene Stewart will be held Friday afternoon, Dec. 13, at the First Methodist Church in Philadelphia. The Revs. John H. Cook and Charles Ray Gipson will officiate. 

The Ken Griffin Show, nationally known vaudeville sensations, will appear in Philadelphia at the high school auditorium on Friday, December 13, at 7:30PM., it was announced this week by the Rotary Club, sponsors of the program. Billed as "The Road Show Event of the Year", the program will feature magic, music, dancing, comedy, novelty and illusions. 

December 13, 1973

The board of trustees of the Philadelphia Municipal Separate School District announced Wednesday that Charles W. Shumake, superintendent of schools, had requested that he be released from his contract effective June 30, 1974.

December 14, 1983

The Philadelphia-Neshoba County Park Commission today announced plans for a fundraising drive for "park improvements" and for the "restoration of the log cabin." The Park Commission has had several meetings with state and federal authorities about proposed changes in the zoo at Northside Park.

December 14, 1993 

It takes a special kind of dog to be the companion of a blind person. That is what blind Philadelphia resident George Briley said of his dog, Kallain. The 2-year-old chocolate-colored labrador retriever helps Briley conduct as normal a life as possible.

Aultman's SUPERVALU Food Store in Carthage has been purchased by Triple V Foods. Triple V is a family corporation owned by Mrs. E. L. Vowell Sr. of Noxapater, E.L. Vowell Jr. of Louisville, and David Vowell of Philadelphia. The family has been in the grocery store business since 1943.


December 10, 2003

Married just a week and a half, specialist Sarah Kirkus Jones is leaving behind her new husband to deploy with the U.S. Army in Iraq for up to a year and a half. Her unit, the 298th Corps Support Battalion, is the second Philadelphia-based Mississippi National Guard unit to be activated and depart for the tumultuous war region.

December 11, 2013

The city will see an unanticipated 12-percent decrease, or about $51,000, in employee health insurance costs in the new year while maintaining the same amount of coverage. Aldermen voted unanimously last week to keep the existing Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance coverage for city employees through Philadelphia Security Insurance.

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