
October 15, 1943

A new all-out war industry will begin operation in Philadelphia this week. This new industry is being set up by the Perry Construction Company, and is located on Beacon Street across from the Perry Construction Company office and near the local ice plant.

Bennett Warren Alford, son of Mrs. Phronie N. Alford, 261 Gum Street, Philadelphia, Miss., today was commissioned a second lieutenant in the U. S. Marine Corps after successfully completing the rugged officer training course at the Marine Corps School at Quantico, Virginia.


October 15, 1953

Sheriff Spears announced this week that three prohibition law raids were successfully conducted last Saturday, resulting in the confiscation of beer, wine and moonshine. He found a small quantity of beer and eight and a half pints of moonshine at George Grace's and two cases of wine and one case of beer at R. D. Donald's.

In observance of the nation's "Employ the Physically Handicapped Week," the Jackson Clarion Ledger printed an interesting story in last Sunday's edition concerning a native of Neshoba county, Robert L. May, who lost a leg in World War II. 

     October 17, 1963    

The first auto, farm equipment and boat show will be held Saturday Oct. 26 it was announced this week. The show will be held beside the Philadelphia High School football field, and will feature all new model cars, trucks, tractors, and other farm vehicles as well as any boats which may be shown.

Leon Posey of the House community is in the Neshoba County Hospital as the result of getting his hand caught in a corn picker this week on his farm. Mr. Posey was attempting to unclog the machine when his hand got caught. 

October 18, 1973

The Philadelphia Business and Profession Women's Club has invited the public to a coffee Wednesday morning, Oct. 24. The coffee will honor Miss Yvonne Hickman, the club's Woman of Achievement, and will also be in observance of National Business and Professional Women's Week. 

October 19, 1983

Marietta Oswald has been named the Philadelphia Business and Professional Women's Club's 1983 Woman of Achievement. She will be honored with a tea Thursday in the home demonstration kitchen in the courthouse. Mrs. Oswald has been a member for six years.

October 20, 1993 

The Philadelphia Business and Professional Women's Club will recognize its 1993 Woman of Achievement Thursday morning. Mrs. Charlotte Nicholson will be honored with a coffee in the Neshoba County Public LIbrary. She has been an active member of BPW since 1989. 


October 15, 2003

A civic organization remember the late J.C. McWilliams Saturday as a loyal servant of children through his participation in the group, Community in Action, whose activities have centered on youth. Members of Community in Action held their fifth banquet at the Westside Community Center where more than 130 people attended.


October 16, 2013

A rumor about free food due to a glitch with the federal government's electronic food stamp cards drew hundreds to the Philadelphia Wal-Mart on Saturday night, eventually forcing the store to close briefly because of a near-riot situation. No arrests were made and no food was actually taken from the store.

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