Just Among Friends

Just Among Friends


Goodway Baptist Church under the leadership of Pastor Willie Rush and its Education Committee recently donated 450 masks to the Philadelphia Elementary, Middle, and High schools.  

Although the church was unable to have its annual Back-to-School event due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the church still wanted to be a blessing to the students and chose this way of contributing to the new school year. The principal from each school received the masks from Pashen Thompson, a member of the Education Committee, and a PES teacher.  Thank you to everyone who contributed to this generous donation.


A donation of Clorox, Lysol, and Germ X wipes was made to Philadelphia Elementary School teachers by Sharon Houston from Wonderful Creations. This generous donation was received by the principal Travis Creel, who was very grateful for this helpful gift. Since school started on August 17, the timing was perfect. A huge thank you to Ms Sharon Houston whose thoughtful donation is greatly appreciated! 


No Fair 2020, but the Glen Walker family still had fun in Mississippi! They always come to Neshoba County for the Fair each year, but this year they spent their vacation with Jennifer Alford Walker's parents, Mack and Sherry Alford in the Alford home. The family lives in Macon, Georgia, which is quite different from the country in Neshoba County.

The Walker children, Emily, Jason, and Grace, always have a fantastic time visiting their grandparents. There are all kinds of fun things to do that are not available in their Macon home.  They enjoy the woods where there are so many interesting things to examine and explore as well as fort building. Fishing is fun, too, and being outdoors in the fresh air surrounded by greenery. Fireflies are another favorite thing for the children. They also visited the Fairgrounds and roamed the square.

Of course, spending time with their grandparents and visiting with their Mississippi family were highlights of the entire trip. Although it was hard to leave, everyone looks forward to the next visit.


It was Move in Day for Abby and Miriam Seale recently. The two sisters moved into two different places in different cities, so their parents had to really work hard to help.  

Abby moved into the Delta Gamma house at Mississippi State University where she is continuing her studies this year. She was so excited to return to her friends and favorite places.

Miriam who is a 2020 graduate of MSU, moved to Jackson where she will begin her studies at UMMC. She was selected for admittance into the UMMC Masters' program in Biomedical Sciences. Congratulations to Abby and Miriam and best wishes for a great year!


Tiny Miss Larkin Elizabeth Sciple arrived on August 8, 2020, weighing 6 pounds and 4 ounces of sweetness. Her very proud parents are George and Jana Sansing Sciple. She has an excited big sister, Georgia Grace, who cannot wait to meet her baby sister. The Sciple family lives in Jackson, Tennessee, and has extended family members here in Philadelphia and Neshoba Country. Congratulations!                             ~

The first week in August found Taylor Allen at the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma with her parents, Shane and Janet Yates Allen They were attending the Official American Quarter Horse Association's World Show 2020 Finals.

Taylor was competing in several events in the Junior Division. Her performance was outstanding and she placed as follows: Level 1 Cutting Top 10: Level 2 Cutting Top 10: Level 2 Cutting (13& under 2nd place): Level 3 Cutting Top 10 finishing 8th in World Finals.

Riding her horse and training for competition are some of Taylor's very favorite hobbies.  She is a sixth-grader this year at Leake Academy. Great job, Taylor!


A Happy Birthday Parade honoring Phyllis Boler was held for her August 3rd birthday.  Her family formed a parade of cars to drive by and say Happy Birthday.  She was so pleased by their thoughtfulness during this stressful time.  Although they could not gather together as usual, she said she had a really good time! So glad she had a happy birthday! 

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