Tractor Man spreading Christmas Cheer on 19

Tractor Man spreading Christmas Cheer on 19


The Tractor Man display on Highway 19 South near Tucker on Jeff and Glenda Winstead’s property has turned some heads.

From the road, the Tractor Man appears surprisingly lifelike. He’s a mannequin dressed as Santa Claus, perched atop a 1953 Farmall H tractor lit up with Christmas lights.

Jeff Winstead said the lights stretch across the tractor and extend to a wagon loaded with logs. It also features a few stockings and candy canes.

“This is the first year we dressed him as Santa Claus,” Winstead said. “We just dressed him with regular clothes up to this year but put a Santa Claus suit on him this time.”

The Tractor Man is posed in a permanent wave, catching the attention of passing drivers who might do a double-take.

The idea for the display originated years ago when Winstead saw a similar decoration on a John Deere tractor along Highway 397 in Lynville.

“I still have that picture in my phone,” he said.

The Winsteads started their Tractor Man tradition about 12 years ago. The displays have been designed and decorated for the last several years by Justin Donald, a local artist, and their adoptive grandson.

“Justin helps with anything we need,” Winstead said. “I’ve been down two years and couldn’t do anything. He’s just taken over and has done all of it. He calls me grandpa and calls my wife granny.”

Winstead said Donald must’ve spent at least 20 hours preparing this year’s display.

“I think it looks really nice myself,” Winstead said. “We have a lot of people comment on it. When I first put it out there, I had people say they liked to wreck looking back away than at that man when they went by.”

“He waves at everybody coming by, because he never takes his hand down,” he added.

While the tractor’s old lift had to be removed, Winstead said most of it is still in its original condition. The lights are weatherproofed and securely attached to the hood, while the rest are fastened in place for stability.

Winstead said the display has received plenty of praise this year, with several people even calling or texting to tell him how much they enjoy the Tractor Man decoration.

Tractor Man has sported flags and maybe even some political posters over the years and so there is no telling what he will be doing next.

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