Of Local Interest

Of Local Interest



   “Recover All' addiction support meetings are being held at Mars Hill Pentecostal Church every Sunday at 10-11 a.m. Child Care is provided during that time. Call 601.568.1992 for more information  Mars Hill Rd, Philadelphia, MS. 


   You are cordially invited to join us as we celebrate our pastor Rev. Dr. Curtis Johnson in a special Pastor Anniversary Service to be held on Sunday, February 9, @ 2:00pm @ Mt. Pleasant #2 M B Church in Noxapater, MS. Guest Pastor will be Pastor Curtis M. Johnson of Newman Chapel United Methodist Church, Kendleton TX. 


   Chitlin Time Y’all!! 

Linwood VFD’s 6th Annual Car &Truck Show & Auction 

Saturday… February 22nd

Tractors, Bikes and Big Truck(no trailer) too!! Registration from 7am to 9ish. $20 per vehicle 

Chitlin and pulled pork plates available! Serving around 11 

Auction w/Lane Taylor at 1

Come Hungry and support these Firefighters!! 

Family fun for everyone!! Y’all come

11971 Rd 325 Union 

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