Just Among Friends

Just Among Friends


The Philadelphia Rotary Club recognized three of our local high school students as the Students of the Month for December. They were introduced by the Student of the Month Chairman, Mark Taylor, during the regular Monday meeting.

From Choctaw Central High School is Mauhree Jones; Philadelphia High School, Jaelon Carter; Neshoba Central, Mattie Ely. The club president, Tim Moore, thanked all of the parents, school administrators, and school counselors who attended the meeting for their support.


He had waited for his hair to grow to the required 12 inches before getting it cut. Jakob Knight did an amazing thing as a high school senior. He got a haircut and donated his hair to "Wigs for Kids", a nonprofit organization which doesn't charge children for wigs!

He has been a member of the Neshoba Central Rockets football team during his career at the school. He has been an exemplary model for others. His grandparents are Bob and Lynn Holland Benson, who are among his biggest fans.


The Philadelphia Public Schools Central Office and Administrative Teams were guests of the Superintendent, Dr. Whitehead, for an entertaining evening beginning with a trip to Canton's Christmas Lights display and ending with a luscious dinner. Dr. Whitehead is thankful for these teams of dedicated and hard-working individuals who help make the schools successful.


Dec. 12 was a Red Letter Day for Mary Mosely Pickering! It began with her clinic follow-up visit. She officially reached 1 YEAR of treatment for leukemia on this day! She got a good report and graduated up to having clinic follow-ups every 2 months at this point.

Her brother, Jackson, and his 6th grade class performed their Christmas musical program, which was cute and well done. It was a great day for the Long-Pickering families!


Mars Hill Pentecostal Church held several events to celebrate the Christmas season and bring members and friends together.

A Christmas banquet at Rusty' started the festivities which encouraged everyone to enjoy some luscious food. What a great way to begin! Next was a Pancake Breakfast with Santa, which seemed to be fun for everyone. There were Sunday school parties on the morning of Dec. 14, which brought people together for fun and fellowship. The ladies of the church were delighted to receive a new ornament during their Ornament Exchange that evening. All of these activities encouraged a feeling of community and belonging. Christmas is a joyous time, but some of us might need to feel our spirits lifted especially during the holidays.


First Methodist Church had a guest preacher, the Rev. Eddie Willis, who led the Sunday worship service. He is the former youth minister.

A Christmas meal followed the service in the Family Life Center. A walk-thru Nativity followed the meal. During the Nativity, there was an opportunity to pay "taxes" as they entered Bethlehem. The donations will be given to the DHS to purchase Christmas gifts for the children in our community.

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