Harrington Lance Allen, Sr.

Harrington Lance Allen, Sr.


Funeral service for Mr. Harrington Lance Allen, Sr. were held at 2 PM Monday, December 23, 2024 at Pearl River CERF Building with Rev. Mark Patrick officiating. Interment will be in the Canaan Baptist Church Cemetery. Visitation was at 10 AM Saturday, December 21, 2024 at Pearl River CERF Building. John E. Stephens Chapel Funeral Services is in charge of arrangements.

Mr. Allen, 42, passed away on Tuesday, December 17, 2024 at Choctaw Health Center. He was a member of Canaan Baptist Church and enjoyed stickball, basketball and spending time with grandkids and family.

He is preceded in death by his parents, Felton John and Francis Willis; sister, Latonya Allen; grandparents, Oden John, Una Willis, Ike Willis, Onie Hickman.

Survivors include his wife, Jackie Allen; daughters, Harriet Allen, Chaumani Salgado, Jesenia Salgado; son, Harrington Allen, Jr.; sisters, Tammy John, Ashley John; brothers, Samuel Allen, Ricky John, Nathan Allen, Thurston John, Jermica John, Antonie John; 4 grandchildren.

Pallbearers are Ashley Williams, Andy Cotton, Merrill Vaughn, Aldreca Hickman, Denzel Mingo, Miashun Tubby, Alejandro Martin, Antonio Perez. Honorary pallbearers are Andrew McMillan, Emery Denson.

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