


May 28, 1943

At the age of 24, Major Irvin Glen Shepard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Shepard of Dayton, Ohio and a nephew of Mrs. W. A. Shepard of Philadelphia, is among the youngest officers in the army to hold that high rank.  He is assigned to an infantry division.

Mr. and Mrs. Arden Payne of Union, are announcing the birth of a baby boy on May 22, whom they have named, Charles Arden Payne.   


May 28, 1953

Billy Underwood and Gloria Williams were recently voted the most outstanding students in Philadelphia High School Band for the year 1952-1953 by the students of the band.

Miss Fay Knight, formerly of this locality, has been appointed to the summer staff of the Baptist Assembly in Ridgecrest, NC.


     May 30, 1963   

William Gully Yates Jr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Gully Yates, was one of the 20 ROTC students who were honored at Army Awards Day ceremonies recently at the University of Mississippi. He received the Chicago Tribune Gold Medal. 

American Legion Auxiliary will sponsor three representatives to Girl’s State, it was revealed this week.  The girls, Nancy Johnson, Diane Madison, and Jean Wolverton, will represent the county at the meeting in Jackson on June 7-15.

May 31, 1973

Among the contestant for Neshoba County’s Miss Hospitality for 1973 are Patti Sisson, Nancy Weatherford, Cindy Bozeman, and Jenny Lynn Ethridge.

Donna Risher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John O. Risher of Philadelphia, received a Bachelor of Science degree in business management from Mississippi State University May 13.  She was the only girl to receive a degree in this field.                            

May 31, 1983

Air Force ROTC Cadet Jerry L. Barnett of Philadelphia has received the Veterans of Foreign Wars ROTC Award at Mississippi State University.

New officers of the Philadelphia Business and Professional Woman’s Club are: Lillian Killen; President, Ruby Dearing; Treasurer; Pat Mioton; First Vice President, Janice Payne; Second Vice President, Joyce Hunter; President-Elect, Polly Cumberland; Parliamentarian; Barbara Thaggard; Corresponding Secretary, and Marietta Oswald; Recording Secretary.    

May 31, 1993 

Steve Webb, President and CEO of The Citizens Bank, presents Jean S. Fulton, Vice President and Trust Officer, a certificate of membership in the Mississippi Bankers Association Forty Year Club, in recognition of 40 years of distinguished service.

Kappa Iota officers elected for the 1993-1994 year are Stacie Weir, secretary; Marsha Senior, vice president; Cindy Thomas, president; Susan Jackson, treasurer; Jackie Cheatham, historian; and Ann Yarbrough, empathy chairperson.   


May 28, 2003

Chosen as Teachers of the Year for the Philadelphia Public School District are Shawn Byars, District Teacher of the Year; Jennifer Bounds, and Sharon Reed. 

Chosen as Retirees of the Year for the Philadelphia Public School District are Linda Boyd and Virginia Knight.     


May 29, 2013

Neshoba Central Middle School’s Cole Cheatham was elected State Beta Chaplain and Mrs. Tammy Burk was elected Beta State sponsor-elect in March at the State Beta Convention.

A large crowd gathered Monday for the annual Memorial Day event at DeWitt DeWeese Park.  The guest speaker for the event was Circuit Court Judge Marcus Gordon and Rev. Gillman D. Warren gives the opening devotion.

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