
January 26, 1945

Colonel Lawrence W. Long, state director of selective service, has issued a recent announcement stating that all men between the ages of 18 to 26 years who are registrants of the Selective Service System in the State of Mississippi will be given a physical examination during the months of January and February. 

A late news dispatch from Jackson states that M.B. Swayze has tendered his resignation as executive manager of the War Finance Committee.

  January 27, 1955

The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. John Riley Burton was solemnized at Sandtown Methodist Church, Sunday, January 9. The Rev. H.B. Welch performed the double ring ceremony. 

A new telephone directory for Philadelphia, Mississippi containing many new and changed listings and other helpful telephone information, has just been distributed. 

   January 28, 1965

The new A&P Supermarket in Philadelphia will open its doors for business Monday morning, Feb. 1, at the corner of Main and Holland Ave. The new building with 10,004 square feet of floor space, also offers the shoppers adequate parking space in a lot that will accommodate over 60 automobiles. 

James E. Allen of the Mississippi Forestry Commission urges Neshoba County landowners to be cautious in managing and protecting their hardwood timber.

 January 30, 1975

Philadelphia and Neshoba County have been designated as a National Bicentennial Community. 

The fencing project at Morrow Memorial Cemetery has been completed. The project was sponsored by the Dixon Development Club under Roy Nicholson, who designed and supervised the project.

January 30, 1985

Secretary of State Dick Molpus was extended the honor of being selected the "Elected Public Official of the Year" for 1985 by the Mississippi Chapter of the American Society of Public Administration in Jackson. 

Governor Bill Allain has announced that Neshoba County will be one of six Mississippi counties to receive Community Development Block Grant funds.  

 January 31, 1995  

Although the new Neshoba County Law Enforcement Center is housing part of the sheriff's office now, the other part remains in the courthouse.  

The Neshoba Community Development Club received first place honors at the recent Community Awards Program, sponsored annually by the Philadelphia-Neshoba County Chamber of Commerce.  

January 26, 2005

A local option sales tax to service $20 million in bonds to fund the renovation and expansion of the Neshoba County General Hospital gained the approval of the Board of Aldermen last week.

Legislation to move control of the state Child Support Unit to the Attorney General's office would give parents a stronger advocate at the state level with more resources to go after deadbeat parents, state Sen. Gloria Williamson said Tuesday.  

January 28, 2015

Philadelphia plans to hire its own economic development director for special projects to work with the building inspector to clean up sites in town while promoting the proposed Marty Stuart Center.

Chief Phyliss J. Anderson and Meridian Mayor Percy Bland signed an agreement between the city of Meridian and the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians Monday morning to bring public transportation inside the city limits of Meridian through Choctaw Transit.

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