
January 12, 1945

Officials of Wells Lamont Corp., operators of the proposed new Philadelphia Glove Factory, announced here Tuesday afternoon that 80 glove-making machines have arrived and that 51 of them are being assembled at the American Legion Hut to be used as training units. 


Lt. W.H. Jones, Co. F, Mississippi State Guard, issued an announcement here this week that the Philadelphia Guard Company is planning the organization of a band auxiliary.


January 13, 1955

The 27 Baptist churches of the Neshoba County Baptist Association will participate in a conference which will emphasize the state mission program of Mississippi Baptist churches, as well as emphasis on the mission program of the individual churches. 


The Henry Chapel neighborhood has a wonderful treat in store for Sunday night. Rev. And Mrs. Elwood Thornton will be the guests of the pastor for the Sunday night service at Henry Chapel and will present an attractive and spiritually valuable program of gospel song. 


   January 14, 1965

A total of 43 Grade A dairies in Neshoba County have a daily production of 42,584 pounds of milk, with a gross income of $2,491.06 per day, it was stated this week by Glen Boler, Health Officer at the Neshoba County Health Department.


January 16, 1975

The case of Lamar Salter vs. Lamar G. Salter Nursing Home and Neshoba County, which was scheduled to begin Wednesday, has been postponed because of a conflict in the schedule of one of Satler's attorneys. 

January 16, 1985

Approximately 130 elementary and high school teachers from Neshoba County and Philadelphia will gather with others from across Mississippi Thursday at the state capitol on behalf of teacher pay raises. 

  January 18, 1995  

Neshoba County Circuit Clerk Martha Fulton Patterson has repaid $1,304.36 in misspent public funds following an investigation by the State Auditor's office.  


District 5 supervisor James Young has been elected president of the Neshoba County Board of Supervisors for the 1995 term. 

January 12, 2005

Jim Ray has resigned as head football coach at Neshoba Central High School. Ray's four year tenure with the Rockets came to an end Monday night when the Neshoba County school board accepted his resignation.   


January 14, 2015

As her reign as Neshoba County's Miss Hospitality winds down, Abby Posey has tried to make the most of the opportunity given to her. She is also using her final days as titleholder to encourage other girls to enter the local pageant this spring.

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