July 28, 1944
PFC Earl L. McKinion has just returned to Camp Gordon, GA where he is stationed after spending ten days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.B. McKinion of Philadelphia. He has been in the army two years.
M-SGT. Hugh L. Barrett, brother of Mrs. Grady Strum and Mrs. W.R. Green, of this city, is now stationed at Camp Shelby previous to his induction in November of 1943, he was dietitian in the Veterans' Hospital at Pineville, LA.
July 29, 1954
The mayor and board of aldermen received the requested budget from the Board of Trustees of the Philadelphia School System Tuesday night which amounted to $140,000, and the officials approved it and increased the millage for this year to 47 and a half mills.
August 6, 1964
Odie B Smith of Route Four, Philadelphia, showed the Champion and Grand Champion boar over one year, and also the Champion boar 5-12 months old. Kinsey Smith showed the Champion and Grand Champion sow over one year old and the Champion gilt, 5-12 months old.
August 1, 1974
Mrs. Susan Clark Slaymaker, a native of Neshoba County, was recently awarded the Ph.D. in Geophysics by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Headmaster Joe Shepard of Leake Academy has announced the hiring of Lloyd Calvery as head junior high football coach for the coming year.
August 1, 1984
Former Vice President Walter Mondale and Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro, the 1984 Democratic nominees for President and Vice President, will make Mississippi the site of their first campaign appearance after the national convention.
July 27, 1994
The principle of supply and demand already has the Silver Star Casino, opened on July 1, bulging at the seams. The casino is quickly outgrowing its new facility to the point that an expansion is already being discussed.
August 4, 2004
Routes used to drop off students at the three Neshoba County schools will remain the same this year, but officials hope a new turn lane along Golf Course Road will help alleviate traffic when classes begin tomorrow.
August 6, 2014
With final right-of-way acquisition on the Williamsville connector scheduled to begin in March after a formal resolution was signed with the state on Monday for a grant, Neshoba County supervisors were told there is no timeframe for the overall $80 million to $100 million four-land road project that will give Weyerhaeuser access and lay the groundwork for future mill expansion.
U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran used the Neshoba County Fair to kick off his general election campaign in front of a receptive and unusually large crowd that was expecting political fireworks.