Aldermen planning to give Philadelphia Transit $10,000
Aldermen will seek legislative approval to give Philadelphia Transit $10,000.
Two weeks ago, aldermen passed a resolution seeking authorization from the state Legislature to make a one-time contribution of up to $10,000 to the organization.
Officials said the city cannot fund private entities — non-profit or for-profit — with public funds without legislative approval.
Philadelphia Transit primarily serves elderly and disabled residents by operating six buses within Philadelphia and two based in Meridian. Their services extend beyond Neshoba County, reaching residents in both Lauderdale and Winston counties.
In the last fiscal year, Philadelphia Transit reported transporting over 10,500 Neshoba County residents to meet various needs, including work, education, medical appointments, shopping, personal trips, and social events.
Most trips were for medical appointments, with 6,371 residents transported and 2,487 residents assisted with grocery shopping.
“Philadelphia Transit is a great asset to our community,” said Project Director Andrea Mitchell. “You don’t realize how many people do not have transportation until you start working with it.”
Mitchell said Philadelphia Transit is a huge benefit to residents who cannot take time off work to drive loved ones to medical appointments, including dialysis treatments. They’ve also worked with the Congress of Country Music to provide transportation for major events at the Ellis Theater.
In other business, aldermen voted to:
• Approve a motion to accept the fiscal year 2024 audit as presented by Windham & Lacey, PLLC. The motion was approved unanimously.
• Approve a motion to amend the 2023/2024 city budget to actual. The motion was unanimously approved.
• Approve a motion to pay Glassworx Inc. $1,270 for repairs at the Boys & Girls Club out of Bond B account. The motion was approved unanimously.
• Approve a motion to pay Chad Wright Plumbing $1,115 for repairs at the Boys & Girls Club out of Bond B account. The motion was approved unanimously.
• Approve a motion to pay Allen Engineering invoice $3,300 on the fiscal year 2024 Airport master plan. The motion was approved unanimously.
• Approve a motion to close Center Avenue in front of Steve’s on the Square on Oct. 17 for the Third Thursday event. The motion was approved unanimously.
• Approve a motion to place a streetlight on the corner of Pinecrest Drive and Magnolia Street. The motion was approved unanimously.
• Approve a motion to place a 3-way stop sign on the corner of Wilson Street and Center Avenue. The motion was approved unanimously.
• Approve a motion to set a hearing on Nov. 5 for a zoning variance at 246A Rea St. from R1 to C1. The motion was approved unanimously.
• Approve a motion to place James Johnson full-time with the Cemetery Department and to raise his pay from $10 to $12 an hour. The motion was approved unanimously.
• Approve a motion to purchase three Dodge Durango’s from Kirk Auto World at the state contract price of $39,959 each. The motion was approved unanimously.
• Approve a motion to lease the old U.S. Motors building to a Yates subsidiary. The motion was approved unanimously.