3 arrested returning to scrap yard

3 arrested returning to scrap yard


Three people were caught red-handed with stolen property when they returned to a scrap yard last week.

Willie Ray Robinson, Chanzcellor Antaun Parkerson and Shannon Marie Wishork-Robinson were all arrested on Dec. 17 at about 1 p.m., according to Neshoba County Sheriff Eric Clark.

Robinson, 44, 399 Norman Road, Newton, was arrested and charged with three counts of burglary, three counts of false pretense, and one count of possession of stolen property, Clark said.

Parkerson, 24, 94 South Oswald Road, was arrested and charged with three counts of burglary and one count of possession of stolen property, the Sheriff said.

According to Clark, Wishork-Robinson, 35, 674 West Tucker Circle, was arrested and charged with burglary and possession of stolen property.

He said the case first came to their attention at about 11 a.m. on Dec. 14, when the owner of a shop on Road 505 reported thieves had removed the 12-foot roll-up garage door and taken other items from inside. Clark said the owner lives in Newton County and does not regularly use or monitor the shop.

Clark said the investigation tracked a four-wheeler that matched the description of one taken in this burglary to Central Mississippi Recycling at 221 Gum Street.

While investigators were at the scrap yard at about 1 p.m. on Dec. 17 trying to identify a suspect, Clark said a white truck with three individuals inside and a truck bed full of scrap metal pulled up onto the property. Wishork-Robinson was driving the truck.

Employees at the scrap yard quickly identified the truck as the one that had brought the four-wheeler. Deputies identified Willie Robinson as a passenger in the vehicle and determined he was the person who dropped the four-wheeler off.

Clark said investigators then arrested Robinson and asked the other two in the truck to follow them to the county jail for further questioning, which led to the arrests of Parkerson and Wishork-Robinson.

Clark said investigators determined Wishork-Robinson and Parkerson visited the property two times before the reported burglary. Clark said the three were coming from the property with the load of scrap when investigators intercepted them at Central Mississippi Recycling.

Clark said they have been able to recover a number of the items reported stolen, such as the four-wheeler.

Clark said a small boat was stolen from the property, and a saddle was recovered at a pawn shop in Meridian.

Clark said other items taken, like an air compressor, have not yet been recovered.

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